I am Me

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Godric Gryffindor,Slathazar Slytherin,Helga Huffulpuff and Rowena Ravenclaw were the founders of the houses of Hogwarts.According to The Sorting Hat and everybody the people in Gryffindor are brave,people in Slytherin are pure-blooded and mostly cruel,those in Huffulpuff are sweet and kind and are most likely to be discarded by the other Houses and Ravenclaw belongs to those who are exeptionally wise(though I don't know how I ended up here). Gryffindor usually has pretty good people.I am in love with James Sirius Potter and his sister Lily Luna Potter is my bestest friend.Though their brother Albus Severus Potter is a bit weird.Oh! I forgot to introduce myself.Here's it . I am Yu Davis daughter of Cho Chang(known for dating Cedric Diggory and the famous Harry Potter) and Roger Davis both of them belonged to Ravenclaw and I am very proud to have landed here too. But I should start from the beginning ,right so here it is!

  It was a sunny summer and I was practicing Quiddich with my next door neighbours Lorcan and Lysander Lovegood (aparently they had prefered to keep their mother's last name which is pretty weird but not as much as their mother) having dirty blond hair which had been tied in similar small pony and prominent silvery blue eyes just like their mother but are also handsome like their father. They were twins.We were not the only wizarding family staying here though.We had formed a whole colony.Then out of thin air someone apparated right at the turning of the street.Oh! it was the postman who ussually brought letters and messages from the ministry to our homes.He was also the one to deliver regularly the most renouned magazine-The Quibbler.Mum says earlier there was a newspaper called The Daily Prophet  but it declined right after ''The Great War of Hogwarts'' because they never reveled the truth and their star reporter Rita Skeeter was sent to Askaban for illegally practicing transfiguration.But the question was why had the postman come here so soon.When he dropped letters into our house we ran to our respective homes to see what they were.As I entered the living room there was an air of excitement in the atmosphere and my parents were smiling.Before I could ask something my mother asked me,''When's your birthday,honey?''

"December 5th,why?''

''And at what age did I tell you would be entering Hogwarts?''

 "Eleven which I would be this december but would have to wait till next September..."I replied feeling a bit inferior.This had been one of my biggest worry since I came to know about Hogwarts because I felt I would have to join with a group younger to me.But then I got my surprise.

''Dear dear but you will join this September,''my Dad said amazingly''Look you even got a letter from the headmistress."After that I snatched the letter from my parents and read the letter almost ten times.I was just more than delighted. Finally I would be going to Hogwarts too.Only I had no idea of what lay in store for me.

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