Diagon Alley

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Our large group went to Ollivander's shop first.We were the only people but the shop was too small for all of us so dad,Mr Weasley,Teddy,James and Lily went out.Mr Ollivander an old fragile man handed Rose,Albus and me three wands and looked at us expectantly.All three of us looked throughly confused and noticing our expression he asked us to point the wands at an object and swish.We followed.All my wand did was send a few sparks and Albus almost broke a lamp but Rose was magnificiant.Rose's wand was held steady and she had caught the lamp Albus was about to break .The lamp was suspended in mid air and suddenly she seemed to be covered in a blue shimmering dust.She seemed so....MAGICAL.

Mr Ollivander exclaimed,''Oh dear! That wand is truly yours.Its nine and quarter inches and is pure Holly."Then turning to face us he said,''You two need something else.''He took our wands back packed Rose's.He came back holding two more boxes.

''These should do,''handing one to each.I swished my wand again but this time I felt the world going brighter than earlier.And heard Mr Ollivander exclaim again.

''Very good master and miss.''He packed our wands and handed me mine saying,''Pheonix feather,nine inches.'' Then handing over a box to Albus he said,''Your core is pheonix feather ,young man not to mention very much like your father's came from the same pheonix,''and he dismissed our lot with a wave of his hand.As we stepped out of the shop, I noticed a large bearded shaggy looking man talking to James and Teddy.A small boy stood in his shadow and was looking around shyly.

''Hello there Hagrid,''Mr potter shouted from behind and ran to give his huge friend a small hug.

After greeting everybody around Hagrid gave the little boy a slight push so everybody could see hm and then bellowed,''Hey folks!!!he's Brian.Reminds me of yeh,Arry.You were this small years ago when I brought yeh here for the first time.Minerva trusted me as did Dumbledore once.'' He looked close to crying.

But we didn't have much time and moved on,leaving behind the large group.Our next stop was Flourish and Blotts from where we had to buy books.The books were arrenged neatly in shelves and and one need not refer the booklists.This too was a small shop but was extremely crowded.

''Hi neighbours,''Luna came and greeted us.She prefered me calling her by her name.

Marietta Edgecombe,earlier my mum's best friend and the one who betrayed the DA,joined us and said,''Surprising how our kids have grown up so fast .These are my kids Marley and Margret.Marley is starting his third year and Margret will start her first year.I guess your daughter is new too.Let's hope they'll be good friends like us.What say Cho?''she asked hopefully.

''As long as your daughter is not as decisive as you were Marg,''Mom replied with a small ting of sarcasm in her voice which I kind of liked because she seemed to be forgeting Luna. She didn't even greet her.I was quiet grateful when she walked away giving us a dirty breath and muttering Loony under her breath.

''Anybody fancy an ice-cream?''Luna asked.That lifted our moods a bit as I and mum liked ice cream a lot.Dad paid for the books so did Mrs Lovegood(I've got no idea of who her husband might be as I have never seen him.Though dad says he might be squib) and together we left the almost suffocating shop with a sigh of relief.

As we headed for the ice cream parlour I looked around more clearly for the first time. There were shops selling robes, shops selling telescopes and strange silver instruments Harry had never seen before, windows stacked with barrels of bat spleens and eels' eyes, tottering piles of spell books, quills, and rolls of parchment, potion bottles, globes of the moon and what not.Finally we reached Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.Outside we met James and Teddy again only this time they were with three more kids whom they introduced as James distant cousins Victoire, Dominique, and Louis Weasley.The girls were breathtakingly beautiful witches, and caught a lot of attention from males and a lot of jealousy from other females.They were tall and willowy and had long beautiful silvery blonde hair, large, deep blue eyes, fair skin, a petite frame and very white, even teeth very much like their mother,Fleur Delacure.

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