Hogwarts Express

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''NO MOM!!! let's go.I don't want to miss it,''I wasn't mad at my mom.I was excited.Finally I would be going to Hogwarts.I'll be meeting Rose and Teddy and also James(oh he's so cute).And I almost forgot Albus.He was so weird.I remembered everything and everyone I had met last week at Diagon Alley.Finally everybody was ready, my stuff was packed and my handbag was more than full.We all crammed into the small ministry car dad had borrowed.Usually we get these cars pretty easily but today it seemed everyone of the ministry was heading to Kings Cross Station.And I had been quiet right.Among most Muggles some witch or wizard was present.As we waited for the barrier to open for us, I saw a family come out of one of the trains.I could guess they were wizarding folk.The man came forward to shake my dad's hands and the got engrosed in some discussion.For the muggles everything was normal.They were way too narrow minded to see people disappear into a stone barrior between platforms 9 and 10.I stood there with my hands in my pocket and minutes later brought out my ticket.I smiled to myself as my eyes met the words HOGWARTS EXPRESS.Only a few hours left.My mom gave me a slight push and I knew the time had come.I closed my eyes and ran straight towards the wall.A minute later I emerged out into the bright,sunny station of 9 3/4.In the blink of an eye my parents were beside me.Here there was no hiding.We were the wizarding folk.

''Cho!''a familiar voice called out to me.I spun around to see myself face to face with James.Oh! I was so glad to see him.I could feel my face going red and hot but Rose's voice made me feel normal again.I was  so much grateful to her.Then we were surrounded with people we knew.Dad took my luggage and I got on board with Rose,James,Teddy and Victoire.Albus bent down to tie his shoe lace and his stayed back with him.Rose and I went to look for seats and found an empty one.We kept our luggage and went back.

''Teddy is kissing Victoire.Our Teddy and Our Victoire.''James was almost panting as he came running to inform this to the least interested adults.He said this quite in a funny manner and I almost laughed out loud.Our mums kissed us goodbye and the warning bell went off.We went in and were about to close the door when Albus asked nervously,"Why is everyone looking at us?''

''Oh!!!because of me.I am rather famous you know,''Mr Weasley said casually and we all laughed and waved to our parents.Lily and Hugo ran almost at par with us before we finally gained speed.As we went back to our compartment where I and Rose had kept our bags.On reaching there we saw our bags were lying onthe floor and three boys and a girl were sitting together .The blond boy seemed to be in the midst of an animated description and the others seemed to be listening rather attentively.

''If we are not disturbing the Great Mr Animator we would like our seat back.''James came in the front and said curtly.

''Oh really,''apparently still acting to be shocked.''Where is your name written Potter?"

''Shut up,Scorpius,''James said.

"Oh so you are Scorpius Malfoy.Mum said to maintain our distance from the Malfoys.Let's go search for some other place.''Saying Rose picked up her bag.So did I.But as we were about to leave Scorpius got up.

''Very wise you child of a mud...,''he couldn't continue as Lupin cast a spell and he seemed unable to speak.We left laughing.

''Care to join us?''I heard Lorcan calling out to us.

''Sure,''I said and went in.The others closely followed.They introduced themselves to my friends.

''So you are the Lovegoods.You are good people.My Mum was glad she had a friend as your mum.Though in the beginning no one treated her properly,''Rose said.

''Of course they are good people.What did you expect them to be,Death eaters,''James teased.

''My mum also spoke very highly about you people.And she also mentioned Miss Ganger and how her wide knowledge got her friends out of sticky situations.I see you talk a lot.But that's a lot like her so you must be having her brains too,'' Lysander commented and I almost caught Rose's cheeks going rosy pink.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2014 ⏰

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