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I wake up to find Xavier he wasn't laying next to me I sit up and call out his name but there was no answer I pick up my phone to call him but I here the room door open and I see him then smile.

"I thought you left me here"

"Well I did for like 30 minuets I went to get us food here baby I got your favorite" he says handing me the food

"Thanks baby" I say then kiss him

"You welcome so what you wanna do today" he asked

"Let's go to Great America"

"Can you handle them rides baby" he says

"Of course do you know who you talking to I'm the queen of rides my guy" I laugh

"Well ok lets go get ready"

I hop in the shower for about 10 minutes once I get out I put on all black with my air Jordan's sport blue 6s after Xavier got out the shower and what not I've noticed he had on the same outfit as me I chuckle to myself and he looks at me.

"You trying to cop my style" he says

"Naw that's you trying to be like me" I walk off

We get on the elevator and head to the car I hop my ass in the driver seat he always drive I barely get to he looks at me and gives me a smile then gets in the passenger seat I pull off and get on the highway I plug up my phone to the aux I play my favorite song drezzy close to you I grab Xavier hand and sing to him he blushes and sings t pain part I keep my eyes on the road but also looking at him occasionally. We pull up to the amusement park and  get out he grabs my grabs my hand and we interlock fingers as we walk in I point to the first ride I wanna get on and I lead the way we stand it line. It wasn't long before we was on the ride I was kinda nervous.

"You scared baby" he asked

"No I'm good" I responded

"Don't worry baby I got you"

His words make me feel safe and warm inside the ride starts and we take off I look at Xavier he just sitting there and I was screaming to the top of my lungs he then stated laughing at me I didn't see shit funny. After the ride I had a lil headache so I decided to get something to eat.

"So key we just not gone talk about last night??" He asked

I swallow my food hard "what about it" I asked

"How was it? Did you like it?" He asked

"It was amazing it was everything I hoped for what I dreamed for it was sensational" I say

"Wow" he responded

"That answer your question" I say

"Yeah it did baby"

I chuckle to myself and blushed we were at the park for another 3 hours and it was fun until I got a call from and unknown number I pick it up without looking at the caller Id.

"Hello" I answer

"Yes is this Ekeyirra Stone" someone asked

"Um yes this is she, may I ask who's calling" I asked

"Yes this is doctor jones and I just was calling to tell you that your mother is in the hospital she overdosed on heavy drugs but, she went through the treatment and she is doing fine. She's been here for a week he and her husband is here at the hospital did you know that?"

"No I didn't no one called and told me anything" I said

"Yes ma'am well they are here at vintage hospital"

"Ok thank you" I hang up

"Baby you ok" Xavier asked me

"Can you take me to the hospital" I asked

"Yes what for baby" he asked

"My mom is there" I say

We hop in the car Xavier basically speeds to the hospital. Once we get there I go up to the front desk and ask the nurse what room was my mother in she tells me, Xavier and I walk to her room I see my mom laying in the bed lifeless I go up to the side of her bed she opens her eyes we look at each other.

"Hey ma" I say

"Hey key why you here"

"The doctors told me" I said

"I don't know why you here shouldn't yo fat ass be somewhere eat a buffet"

"What" I say

"You heard me you fat ass cow I don't won't yo ass here where my man" she calls out "Who is this he yo new best friend he too fine to be yours plus why would he want to be with you" she says

"Fuck you ma I came down here to see yo ass and you talk to me like this I thought you was gone change cause this has been a near death experience for you but nah you still a bitch" I yell

"Get yo fat ass out my room bitch" she says

Me and Xavier walk out and head to the car It was kinda awkward for him to see my mom talk to me like that now i know he was gone ask questions later on.

"Baby you ok" he asked

"Yeah it was just the waste of my time"

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