Chapter 1

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              Everyone had gathered around at Jimmy's best friend's,Antwon, house. Everyone included: Antwon,Jimmy,Cayden,Georgie,Richie,Jerome,Antwon's twin brother, and Alex. They all met up in Antwon's treehouse in the backyard, and they found the paintball guns and had a paintball war in the backyard. Antwon felt like since it was his house and his paintball guns that he should be the one to win. He was dead wrong . He was the first to get shot, he also got shot more than anyone. He was PISSED.

                He was so mad he went into the house and threw all his stuff in his room down on the floor. All the noise pissed his parents off. Next thing Jimmy knew Angela and Marcus were hooting and hollering all throughout the house until they woke up the baby. Angela grabbed the baby and her and Marcus went back into their room and tried to get the baby back to sleep.

                  Jimmy was the first to break the silence after Antwon's parents went back in the house and all the way up into their room.

"What the hell Antwon!!!! What is wrong with you?" Jimmy yelled

"Nothin man!!!!" Antwon answered

"Y'all betta quit alladat hollering for y'all piss momma off even more" Jerome tried to calm the situation

"Ain't nobody gonna piss mo-" Antwon started but he would have sworn that he saw a face in the bushes. 

             He decided to go into the house to calm himself down. They all followed them into the house and asked him what made him stop mid-sentence. He's told them that he thought that he saw a face and not just a regular face, this one seemed to have a mask on. It wasn't a regular mask it looked like leather all over his face and it was stitched together.

              They all thought that he was crazy and decided to calm things down for the night. They made a fort on the living room after a while one by one they all fell asleep. Except Antwon. He was still a bit shook about seeing the face in the bushes. As soon as he finally got comfortable to try to go to sleep Cayden's chest started gushing blood, but Cayden was still sleeping. Antwon thought that he must be hallucinating so he went to the kitchen sink to splash some water on his face. When he turned the water on,nothing came out. He tried cutting it off and then cutting it back on. Water didn't come out,this time balloons started coming out of the faucet fully blown up and tied to a string. Once it started he couldn't stop it . He tried turning the water off but that didn't work. He even looked under the sink and disconnected the pipes, but somehow the balloons kept coming out of the faucet. He panicked and went upstairs to get his father to help him out. He noticed that something wasn't right when he heard his babysister's screaming not being dealt with. At first he knocked on his parents door and when he didn't get an answer. After that he slowly opened the door in case his parents were sleep,he saw why he didn't get an answer. His parents had been slaughtered

               His parents clothes were stripped off of them and they had been stabbed multiple times in the chest, their throats had been sliced open, their fingers looked liked they had been bitten off,and most of their ribs,arms and legs have been stripped of the meat and were all bones. Their eyes had been ripped out of the sockets and their heads had been bashed in with what looked like it could be the bedside lamp that was not there anymore.

He was so stunned by what he was seeing, it had taken him a while to realize that his baby sister was still screaming. He shook himself out of his trance and picked up his baby sister and was ready to take her to the nursery,when he saw that the balloons hadn't stopped while he was upstairs. The whole house was full of balloons. He made his was downstairs and looked up at the ceiling,after the balloons stopped coming out off the sink, and noticed that the balloons made a face. It wasn't the same one that he had saw earlier it was the face of a clown. The face smiled at him and then simultaneously all of the balloons popped making everyone still sleeping and making Arielle start screaming again even louder than it was last time. Everyone woke up and wondered what just happened and why they are up at 4:45 in the morning and why Ari is screaming.

"Cayden is dead. At least I think so" Antwon explained "but I know my parents are"

"Are what?" Asked Jerome

"Dead" Antwon answered

"Have you tried waking Cayden up?" Richie asked before Jerome could register the fact that his parents were dead

"No,not yet"

              As soon as he said those words everyone but Antwon and Ari rushed to try and wake Cayden up. When they realized that he wasn't gonna get up they ran to the phone and when they didn't get a dial tone they knew the like was dead. They tried to leave when they heard footsteps,very light ones,coming down the stairs. When they couldn't get out(because everything was somehow locked from the outside)they turned around to face whatever was coming for them. They were not at all afraid of what they saw. It was a 2 foot tall doll wearing overalls and had bright red hair and freckles. They didn't think that the doll was menacing at all,until it started to charge at them with a knife and an ice pick in each hand. They tried to run but they had nowhere to run. The doll was blocking their only way to escape. They all realized it but Alex was the only one who had the balls to kick the doll. His initial plan was to kick the doll across the room and get everyone to hide in Jerome and Antwon's room,but sadly it did not work out. Alex actually got stabbed in this ankle tendon and got his kneecap sliced open. He fell to the floor and started wailing in pain,while everyone one tried to escape the doll. But the doll was only focused on Alex's dumb ass.

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