Chapter Four

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October 12, 2014: Nineteen Days Remain

There was a great clatter of plates as Pauline set them down on a nearby table. The rest of the gang had just arrived and had sat down not to far from the door.

"I'm going on my lunch break!" Pauline called to her parents in the kitchen before sliding into a spot next to Ellie and Robin. 

"So, what did I miss?" she asked.

"Nothing much really," Robin answered. "Blake and Ellie have been doing some research."

"Yes we have." Ellie stated proudly. "I have a bad news."

"What's the bad news?" Ben asked.

"Unfortunately, with the list of names Blake gave me, there is not a signal person on it with and artificial leg."

"Great." Blake said sarcastically. "Now we're back to square one."

"What do you mean?" Robin asked. "Weren't you deciphering the prediction for the past two days?"

"Yes, but there is one part I still don't understand." Blake pulled out her copy of the prediction,  now printed on an actual piece of paper. "Well, the heroes are about adults to our age. The 20th and 21st are centuries.  And as Pauline pointed out, this will  take place on Halloween. But I just don't understand who the 'master of strings' is."

"It could be anyone. Even someone right in this café." Ellie stated.

"Stop that, please." Pauline asked. "You're giving me the creeps."

"It is true." Ben added. "We have no idea who the 'master of strings' is or why they want to destroy the monster community." Blake slammed her hands down on the table and stood up.

"What we need to do is find out who these heroes are and tell them what's going to happen so they can be ready!" She said. Blake took a deep breath, calmed down and sat back into her seat.

"I agree with you, Blake." Robin said, "But how in the heck are we supposed to find out who the heroes are?"

"Well...they have to had begun their monster training,  you know,  so they can control their monster abilities." Ellie said. "So that shortens our list of people to...everyone above the age of thirteen."

"I can tell you who one of the heroes isn't." Blake stated. "My younger sister, Melissa." Blake sighed and thought about her younger sister, who had turned thirteen a few weeks ago and had begun training with her sister. Melissa may have been beautiful, with her short brown hair with its blonde highlights and her aquamarine eyes, but she had as much trouble with magic as Blake did when ever she got upset.

"Alright then," Pauline said, "What about..."

"Hey!" said a perky young siren who had popped up out of nowhere. The whole group jumped with surprise and Blake quickly shoved the prediction into her bag. "Are any of you interested in helping out on setting up the All Hallow's Eve Ball for Halloween?" She handed a flyer to Ben.

"Yes!" Pauline said quickly. "We all would love to help out!" Everyonr stared at her with a look like: What are you doing?!

"Great!" The siren said. "Just put your names down here." The siren handed Blake a clipboard with several signatures already on it. She signed her name and passed it to Ben. She leaned over the table as he signed his name.

"What are you doing?" Blake whispered to Pauline from across the table. Robin signed her name on the clipboard.

"I'll tell you in a minute." Pauline answered as she signed her name and handed it back to the girl.

"Fin-tastic!" The siren said joyfully. "We start on the Nineteenth in City Hall. See you then!"

The siren walked away and everyone turned to Pauline.

"Alright, what was that about?" Ben asked.

"I have an idea." Pauline said. "The All Hallow's Eve Ball is in City Hall. If we can find out if someone who knew about the prediction and knew who the heroes were, we might find our heroes there."

Everyone was silent.

"I love the way your mind works!" Blake said before leaning over the table and hugging the mummy.

"Thanks." Pauline said once Blake released her. She stood up. "If you guys excuse me, I have to get back to work."

Somewhere else, someone was watching them. And this someone, was very angry.

"I should have known!" the person said. "Those pestilent teenagers are trying to stop my plans! Sliver!"

The man with a sliver pistol strapped to his artificial leg ran forward.

"Yes, sir?" Sliver said, panting.

"Have you made any progress?"

"We managed to break across the line and managed to get into the record hall."

"But you weren't careful! A group of persistent teenagers were alerted to your presence! And now they are after our targets!"

"I promise we'll be more careful."

"You better. We only have nineteen days left until the prediction comes to pass! You must not fail me, understand!?!"

"Y-Yes, sir." And on that final note,  Sliver backed out of the room.

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