Chapter Seven

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October 17th, 2014: Two weeks remain

After school, the four females of Team OSSS had decided to take a break from all their work. It was a Friday after all. So the four girls made a plan to visit Sleepy Hollow's Shopping Center.

"You know," Blake said, "I really don't think there will be anything that will catch our eyes."

Since Halloween and the All Hallow's Eve Ball wasn't that far away, Robin made the suggestion that they get their dresses before it was too late. Unfortunately, the Shopping Center had only one place they could go, since the other stores were too expensive.

"We just have to keep looking!" Pauline insisted.

"Hey Ellie!" Robin called, something slivery in her hands. Ellie looked up towards the ghost as the bundle fell on top of her.

"What the-" The werewolf mutteres as she pulled the fabric from her face. Glaring back at the spector, who was suppressing a laugh, Ellie held out what had been dropped at full length. "Oh. My. God." This drew the attention of the other two females and they walked next to the grinning girl. Ellie held out a hideous old ballroom gown, that looked like it was made from melted ice cream.

"Wow." Blake said, rubbing the back of her head. "Isn't that a little too fancy?"

"No." Robin said. She touched her feet against the floor and whispered something into Blake's ear. The witchling's face went red.

"No! No way am I doing that!"

"Doing what?" Pauline asked.

"All I said was that Blake put a little magic in the dress." Robin answered. "You know, to make it more El'!"

"I thought we agreed no magic in clothing stores. Ever. Again." Ellie said, draping the dress over her arm.

"Yeah..." Blake said, a little disconcerned, "My parents can't afford to pay for anything else that is flammable."

"Then why don't we do it outside the store?" Robin suggested. Pauline nodded in approval. The banshee grinned and flew off. She returned with three more dresses in her arms. The first she tossed to Pauline. It was a simple, white sleeveless silk dress that would have hugged her figure. The second was thrown to Blake, who caught it in her hand. It was once again, a simple dress. It was pure black with long sleeves and a v-neckline. The final dress Robin held out for the others to see. It was a foggy gray, with it's features smiliar to Blake's.

"What are you planning?" Ellie asked curiously.

"Just pay for the dresses and follow me." The spector grinned.

An hour later, the small group of females were standing around in a circle around Ellie's so called "dress".

"I'm afraid to ask what's going to happen," said Pauline.

"Have a little faith," inquired Blake as she streched out her fingers, "The dress will hopefully morph or shift into something I see as presentable." Snapping her fingers, Blake's hands grew a strong, violet aura around them.

"I suggest you stand back." The other three girls steppped away from the circle. "Mutationem!" The dress glowed with the same light radiating from Blake's hands. The girls saw the silhouette of the dress change. Once the light faded, the hideous gown was gone and in it's place was a sleeveless dress that would go down to Ellie's ankles. The fabric had morphed into something that looked like it was made of moonlight itself. Ellie held up the clothing.

"This is my dress?" She said in disbelief. Robin nodded.

"I told you!" The banshee smiled. Ellie folded up the dress and put it in its bag. "Give it another try." Pauline asked Blake. Blake shook her hand and nodded. The mummy laid her chosen item on the ground as Blake cast the spell. The dress became significantly shorter, going to about knee-length.  The collar cut down on itself and formed a sweetheart neckline.

The girls' jaws dropped.

After a while, all the dresses were morphed into somethin the teenagers would like. Robin's dress still held it's foggy gray color, which had become more like mist. The sleeves, hem, and neckline were all torn and jagged, as if they were all already decaying. Blake's dress still remained black. However, from the elbows down, the sleeves turned into a sparkling, flowy purple fabric. The same material wrapped around the waist, splitting down the middle and circling the skirt. The same fabric also covered her chest.

Ellie spun around with her silvery gown pressed against her chest.

"I can't wait until the dance!" She said sporadically. Pauline sighed.

"You have to remember," said the mummy, "Something bad is going to happen on Halloween. We have to be ready for it."

"Yeah, but in the mean time," said Robin, "We're going to look awesome!"

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