Chapter 1 Elmor Ris

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Clink! Clink! Clink! The sound of steel against steel can be heard throughout the dragon caverns. Lord Darkus, the dragon king, has turned all of his people into slaves. The dragons work all day, with few breaks, making armor and different kinds of weapons. Lord Darkus is preparing to invade the kingdom of Majestia. The only lights in the deep, dark, cavern is from the dragons when they spit fire onto the iron to weld them into different armor and weapons.

Many have tried to escape Lord Darkus' grasp, but none have succeeded. One dragon, named Coreox, is planning to escape from Lord Darkus. Coreox is a golden dragon, but his shine has been dimmed from being in the ground with the dirt. Coreox had a wife who was killed by Lord Darkus, so Coreox alone has to protect the single egg that his wife laid not long before she died. Coreox is waiting for a certain prophecy to come true before he tries to make his escape.


The wind blows through Elmor's hair as he watches the sun set. He is excited for today, because this is the day that he sets out on his journey to the great kingdom of Majestia. Elmor lives with his parents in a small house deep in the Majestian Forest. Many strange creatures inhabit this forest: Pelecoltus, Bugsapiens, and many more creatures lurk in the Majestian woods. Elmor and his family may be considered by many to also be strange creatures. The oritorian (Elmor's species) have long spindly toothpick like legs with no feet, large hands with sharp claws, two slits for nostrils, and hair covering most of their body except their face.

"Are you sure you want to go on this dangerous adventure away from home, Elmor dear?" asked Elmor's mother nervously.

"Let the boy go, he's old enough to make his own decisions", said Elmor's father.

Elmor listened to his parents argue for the next few minutes. Eventually they both decided to let him go on the adventure.

"Goodbye, make a good life for yourself", said his father.

Elmor waved goodbye to his parents.

"Wait, wait!", yelled his mother as she handed him a purple cloak with stars decorated on it, "Humans aren't too fond of not wearing clothes."

Elmor put on the cloak and waved goodbye again, and then he started off on his journey. Strange noises echoed through the woods as Elmor walked through them. He was startled as a small weasel rushed out of a bush. It stood in the middle in the path and looked at Elmor.

"Hello there little buddy", said Elmor to the weasel.

"Hewo", said the weasel back.

Elmor jumped back in surprise of the talking weasel, he had never heard of a talking weasel.

"Do you want some food?" asked Elmor.

Elmor reached into his bag and pulled out a cookie that his mom had made and held it out for the weasel to take. The weasel reached its hand out to take the cookie, but instead tackled Elmor to the ground.

"He he he he he he, do you think every creature is all cute and cuddly. In this world it's kill or be killed!" said the weasel maniacally.

The weasel grabbed a jagged knife out of Elmor's bag and held it above Elmor. It laughed right before he tried to stab Elmor. Before the weasel could stab him, a blast of magic hit the weasel and made it quickly screech and run away. Elmor looked up to see a human girl.

"Are you okay? There are many pitiful creatures in this world" said the girl.

"Yeah, luckily that psycho weasel didn't get the chance to stab me", said Elmor.

The girl helped Elmor up off the ground, and she introduced herself.

"My name is Stellar", said the girl.

"My name's Elmor. You didn't do to bad for a human", said Elmor.

"I am not a human, I am a magi; a witch", said Stellar somewhat angrily.

Elmor was surprised when he heard that. He never thought he would ever meet, let alone see, a witch. Elmor's great great grandfather was a wizard, so Elmor could probably use magic if he was trained enough, but Elmor never tried to, because he thought it would be too difficult.

"Well, my apologies miss Stellar" said Elmor.

Stellar seemed to find this comment funny.

"Well, where are you headed to?" asked Stellar.

"Oh, well I'm going to the great city of Majestia", said Elmor.

Stellar seemed to have a look of nervousness or sadness, (Elmor couldn't tell), cross her face.

"Heh, not so great anymore. Everyone's so scared of a dragon invasion that no one trusts anyone anymore", said Stellar sadly, "The people don't even trust the royal family anymore."

Elmor wondered why people were fearing a dragon invasion. Most dragons were friendly, and few actually lived anywhere near Majestia. Before Elmor could ask any questions, Stellar motioned for Elmor to follow her. They both arrived in a clearing in the woods. Stellar made a call out into the woods, and suddenly tons of creatures from the forest started to enter into the clearing. Many bugsapiens scurried down trees and to the clearing, while a giant pelecoaltus flapped its giant wings and landed in the middle of the clearing.

"Caw!" yelled the pelecoaltus.

Elmor stared at Stellar in amazement. Elmor wasn't sure how she got a bunch of the forest creatures to gather around her, but he thought it had something to do with her being a witch.

"I've asked the forest creatures about the weasel, and they say his name is Frisco", said Stellar, "They say that he's quite a nuisance around here."

Stellar told Elmor that the creatures of the forest would be on the lookout for Frisco. Then the two headed to Majestia.

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