Chapter 6 Locked in a Prophecy

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Elmor, Rue-bert, and Coreox stood outside the lair of Lord Darkus. Coreox told Rue-bert to stay outside while he and Elmor faced Lord Darkus. The two walked inside to find Lord Darkus looking at a river.

"I've been expecting you", said Lord Darkus.

Elmor was surprised to see what Lord Darkus looked like. He didn't even look like a dragon to Elmor. The dragon lord looked unnatural to Elmor. Suddenly, Coreox charged towards Lord Darkus and the giant dragons fought. Lord Darkus picked up Coreox by the neck and threw him at a wall. Lots of ruble fell on top of Coreox. Elmor ran over to see if he was ok.

"P... pro... protect my child when I'm gone", said Coreox in his last breath.

Elmor turned around and charged angrily towards Lord Darkus, but the dark dragon just swung his tail and knocked Elmor off of his feet. Elmor tried to get back up to his feet, but Lord Darkus lifted up his mask. Elmor looked up and saw Lord Darkus' face. Elmor turned completely pale as he looked at the terrifying and distorted face of Lord Darkus. The dragon put his mask back on and started to chuckle.

"You know, we're very similar, you and I", said Lord Darkus, "We are both locked in a prophecy, but I escaped my doom."

Elmor didn't trust Lord Darkus, but he thought that he was on to something.

"I've seen your future, you become a great king and wizard, but your obsession with changing your own destiny drives your family apart and brings your doom upon you", said the dragon.

Elmor didn't believe Lord Darkus, and he didn't want to believe him. Elmor kept telling himself that it wasn't true and that both Lord Darkus and the Magic Stone were lying.

"You want to know how I escaped an inescapable destiny; well I..."

Before Lord Darkus could finish his statement a jagged knife pierced through his chest. Elmor felt like screaming, because that was his only hope as to not die from the prophecy. Elmor heard laughter, and as the body of Lord Darkus collapsed onto the ground, Elmor saw Frisco on Lord Darkus' back holding the jagged knife.

"Now I am the evilest living creature", said Frisco, "Remember Elmor, in this world it's kill or be... AHHHH!!!!!"

Before Frisco could finish, a serpent came out of the water and ate Frisco whole.

"Greeting your majesty, I would advise that you leave before the entire mountain blows up", said Vestuvias.

Before Elmor could ask what he meant, Rue-bert rushed in and told Elmor that they needed to leave, because the dragons accidentally lit enough dynamite to blow up the whole mountain. The two looked sadly at Coreox, and Elmor remembered something.

"Take me to Coreox's home quickly", said Elmor.

Elmor got on Rue-bert and they quickly started flying to where Coreox lived. Many dragons were leaving the mountain in a hurried panic. Rue-bert told Elmor that Stellar had made it out of the mountain. They arrived at Coreox's house and Elmor quickly ran inside. He looked through a bunch of stuff, but then saw it. A sparkling egg in a well made nest. Elmor grabbed it and ran to get on Rue-bert.

"We're not going to make it!" said Rue-bert frantically.

Rue-bert tried flying as quickly as he could, but the dynamite blew up. Rue-bert quickly went inside his shell and Elmor closed his eyes. Wind blew across Elmor's face, and for a split second, he thought that he was back home with his mom and dad. Elmor opened his eyes to see a bright blue sky. It took him a second to realise that he was flying at high speeds through the sky on the back of a giant turtle shell. Elmor looked and saw that he was still holding the egg. He looked below and saw a giant explosion that was once the dragon mountain.

The shell crashed into the ground in some forest somewhere, and Elmor was flung off. Elmor got up and quickly ran over to the egg. Rue-bert got out of his shell and threw up. They were both fine, but still a little dazed. The egg started to crack and a baby dragon popped its head out of the egg.

"Awww, I think I'll call you... Orzox", said Elmor to the baby dragon.

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