Chapter 4 The Journey to the Dragon Mountain

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Elmor woke up in his castle bed. The sun shines through the window and the birds are singing.

"It's a beautiful day to meet your doom at a dragon kingdom", Elmor thought to himself.

Elmor remembered passing out after his strange vision, but he wasn't sure how he got back to his room. Elmor looked over on the nightstand, and saw a glass of water sitting there. He assumes that it was Stellar who brought him back to his room.

"Beware the son", Elmor said to himself.

Elmor wasn't sure exactly what the stone meant, but he thinks it might be a prophecy about his own future. Elmor walked down out of his room and down the stairs into the dining room of the castle. He saw a big breakfast on the table with a note on it that said "For Elmor."

Elmor ate the breakfast and then went upstairs to pack his stuff. He walked out of the castle and the royal family was waiting for him.

"Hello Elmor", said the king, "Are you ready for your quest?"

Elmor nodded, but he didn't feel like he had a choice in the matter anyways, since he didn't want to go, but he was chosen to go.

"Stellar will go with you to show you the way, but it is you who has to make peace with or kill the dragon king in the end", said the king.

"Why does it have to be me?" asked Elmor.

"Because Stellar said you are; a witches' intuition is almost always correct", said the king to him.

Elmor and Stellar said their goodbyes and started on their journey to the dragon lands. The people of Majestia lined the streets and cheered them as they walked by. Soon there were less and less people, and eventually they were in the wilderness and there were no people to cheer them on.

"I didn't get the chance to ask, but what did you hear from the stone?" asked Stellar curiously.

"Well when I touched the stone I saw things from the past and saw some things I think were from the future", said Elmor "But the stone told me to beware the son, and then I blacked out."

"Yes the blacking out part is normal. If the stone didn't think you were worthy then it surely would have evaporated you once you touched it", said Stellar.

Elmor was a little startled that he could have been evaporated after touching the stone.

"The stone may be talking about the sun or that you will have a son in the future that you have to beware", said Stellar, "It's strange the stone would worry about such a miniscule thing though."

"Miniscule?! I could be endangered!" yelled Elmor.

"Well I mean out of the vastness of all the other problems in the universe, the stone is more worried about your life in the future", said Stellar.

Elmor did think it was a little strange that the most powerful object in the universe would worry about his small, little, life. Elmor wondered if there was more to the prophecy than said by the stone. Stellar also wondered what the prophecy meant. Being a witch, she thought she could decipher this riddle easily, but the more she thought about it, the more she got confused. Elmor and Stellar continued thinking about what the prophecy could mean until Elmor heard a rustling in the bushes. He glanced over at the bush, but was distracted by Stellar saying something to him. Stellar pointed to a distant mountain.

"That is where the dragons are at", said Stellar.

The mountain didn't stand out, and Elmor couldn't see any buildings or dragons from where he was at. 

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