• Part 31 •

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What the hell was going on? Why couldn't I get my eyes open.

I tried again but nothing happened.

What the hell? What is going on! I couldn't move anything. It was like, I was closed and you couldn't get me open. It was like I was dead...

Was I... I couldn't be dead right? Because if I would be dead I would have seen 'the light'

I laughed in myself of my stupidness.

" A COMA?!" I heard someone scream. I recognized the voice. It was my brother. My brother I spend my whole my life with. He could be a pain in the ass, but if something was going on he would always be with me and listen to me.

I heard soft voices.

" Yes Mr. Irwin, your sister is in a coma. She lost too much blood."

Lost to much blood? Why would I lost too much blood? I was not on my period anymore.

Again I laughed. I was so stupid that it was funny.

" how long will she be in a coma?" I heard another voice. I recognized that one too. It was Amy. I will always love her whatever happened.

" We don't know yet. It's on herself. If she decides to wake up, then it's her choice. But there is a possibility that she will never wake up again." Someone said. I assumed the doctor.

I wanted to scream that I was awake, but still, no bone would move.

" You can look at her if you want. I give you one advise, talk to her, it helps and maybe can here you." The doctor said.

I heard nothing until I felt something on my hand. I felt a warm hand grabbing my hand. I heard sighs. Of 3 people.

" hey Noa. You look... whiter that Michael." I heard Ashton say.

" Hey that's not nice!" I heard Michael say. I laughed really hard. It's too bad nobody could hear me.

" they say if I talk to you, maybe you can hear it and that will help trough your process of waking up."

I heard a sniffle and a sob.

" I can't do this. I can't do this! Look at her she looks so fucking white!" I heard Amy scream and she sobbed again.

" do you want to go? Grab some food or something?" Michael said.

I think she nodded because I heard Michael say ' let's go then'

" well it's only you and me then." Ashton laughed a little. It was more a giggle. I loved it when Ashton giggled.

He stopped giggling.

" why did you do it Noa? Why? Was it because of me?" I heard Ashton holding back his tears. " I know I'm not always the best brother and I know that believe me, but little sis, you didn't have to do that! That I cutted my wrists, don't mean that you have to do it too!" Ashton broke and I heard him cry. Some of the tears landed on my wrist.

" oh Ashton. It's going to be okey." I heard Calum say. " I- I hope so, L-Look A-At her."

I heard a while nothing but then I heard something.

" please boys, go out of the room we need to do a couple of tests." A woman voice told the guys.

" Can we come back." I heard Luke say.
" if we are done with the couple tests I will let you know." The woman said kindly.

I heard a couple cupboards opened and I felt something around my upper arm. I didn't know what was going on but I still couldn't move myself and that is so fucking frustrating.

After a while it was silent in my room. I heard nothing it was kinda weird. I always heard something. When I was home I would've heard my little sister, my little brother, my big brother or my mom. And if I was at Amy's she would always make noice, and not a little noice like a lot of noice.

I laughed at the thought.

And when I was on tour with the boys like I was before this happens to me, I would always hear Michael scream, Calum and Luke playing fifa and my brother drum. There was always noise in my life. And now nothing.

I thought back when Ashton mentioned what was happened. Cutted my wrists. Everything that happened came back. The things that happened when Calum and I sat in the grass. Luke broke up with me out of nowhere. I broke down, ran away, found a rock, saw something, grabbed it, cut myself with it and now I'm here. In the hospital.

I heard a door open en close. I heard a chair.

" so, here I am. Two weeks after the accident." I heard Luke say.

Two weeks?! How the hell could that been two weeks? It felt like 30 minutes!

" I am a coward for not showing up at your side earlier, but I couldn't. It's my fault you are here now, and it's my fault that you are almost dead." I felt a hand cheek.

" you are so beautiful Noa. I don't care if you hear me or not. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Even in this situation you are gorgeous. You are the sweetest, caring person I've ever met." He hold my hand.

" Noa," his voice broke. " I love you." He cried by now. " I fucking love you. My intention was never to hurt you! I never wanted to break up with you in the first place. I don't know if you heard it of the boys, but after you ran away I went to the bathroom and locked myself up. I cried my eyes out. But I got a weird message of a anonymous number that said if I don't broke up with you, you would die." I heard that he was pissed.

" so I needed to do it." He ended his story.

" god you don't deserve this." He said.

I felt a hand going trough my hair. And a kiss on my forehead. I felt a tears falling upon my forehead and run down.

" please," He said voice weak. " please baby," he sobbed. " please don't leave. I don't want to lose you. If I lose you, I will lose myself. I- I can't live without you!" He cried. " if you hear me, please give a sign." He Hold my hand.

I tried to give him a sign. I tried my hardest best to move a bone in my body. It wouldn't work. I cried. I cried a lot in my head. Even the tears wouldn't fall.

I thought.

" a tear?!" I heard Luke scream. " a tear!" He said happy.

I was shocked myself. I thought I was like a stone wall. I believed in myself that I could do this. I believed in myself. I focused hard on my body, I didn't care which muscle would move, the only thing I cared of was that I would move a muscle.

" did you just. You did!" Luke said happy


I did it! I fucking moved my finger. I was exhausted but i did it!

" What is going on Sir?" The doctor said.

" she moved her finger! I felt it! And she had a tear streaming down her face." Luke quickly answered.

The doctor walked to something beside my bed. After a while she was finally done and walked back to the other side.

" Sir, Nothing has projected on the monitor. I think you hallucinated."

" no I have not! I swear I saw it!" Luke raised his voice.

" we will see it. If she moved her finger. It will not last long till she wakes up." I heard her walk away.

I felt one more time a hand on my hand.

" I know you can hear me Noa. I love you, don't forget that." And with that I felt a pair of lips on mine. I felt it.

" come back for us, please."


I cried writing this! Help😏😭
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Xx N&A

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