• Part 32 •

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It's been two weeks now since the accident.

I live with Michael in a hotel room because we are still in America.

"Amy, please, try to eat." we sit in the kitchen and Michael is trying to feed me some fruit.

I shake my head. "I am not hungry." "but you don't eat at all, I am worried about you. Since the accident with Noa you almost don't eat or sleep. Please, do it for me" He said with a apple in his hand.

I sigh. He's right. I lost alot of weight in two weeks and have dark circles under my eyes.

I look at Michael who is looking at me with hopefull puppy eyes and I grab slowly the apple from him.

I stare at it and take a small bite and swallow, I have the feeling to throw up but I keep eating.

After a few bites I put the apple away. "I'm proud of you" Michael said and eat the apple further.

"Amy, can I ask you something?" Michael said a little bit nervous. Why is he nervous?

"yeah sure, ask me." I said. He clears his throat. "well, uhm, I would like if you, uhm-" but before you could finish his sentence, someone called him on his phone.

He grabbed his phone to see who it is. He raise his eyebrow "it's Luke"he said. "well, answere it" I said fast.

He pick up the phonecall and put it on the speaker.

"hey Luke, what's up." Michael said. "Michael! Noa just moved her finger and a fucking tear was streaming down her cheek!" He screamed from happyness.

I can't believe it. She moved.... OMG SHE MOVED.

"we are comming to you as fast as possible" I said and run to the door.

I suddently feel really light in my head and need to grab the wall to stay on my legs.

Michael run fast to me and grab me from behind so he will make sure I won't fall.

"Are you alright? What happened?" he asked worried and look in my eyes.

"yeah yeah, I'm okay" I said and try to walk again.

"are you sure?" he said and let me go. "yes I am sure, now let's go to Noa" I said and walk to the car.

We start to drive to the hospital and when we arived we walked to the room where Noa is.

we walk slowly in the room and saw Luke was walking in the room over thinking. He didn't even recognize us so I walk to him and give him a long hug, I know he needs it, we all need it on this moment.

I felt his body was frozen for a second about this action but then he hugged me back. Michael hugged us too and now we are in a group hug.

"thank you guys, I really needed that."Luke said tired. I think he didn't sleep today. We both smiled at him.

"so tell me Luke, what happened?" "Noa, moved her finger and a tear was streaming down her face." he said happy. "so that means she will be awake soon" I said happy, I cant believe it.

I missed her so fucking much.

I walk to her bed and grab her hand. "please Noa, we all know you can do this. I believe in you, no matter what." "Do you want to be alone for a second?" Michael asked me.

I smiled at them and nods, they walk out the room. "now we are alone"I sigh.

"I miss you so much Noa, you have no idea. And I am not the only one. Everyone misses you."

I sity down on the chair that is beside her bed. "remember the day we first met?" I laughed a little while I am thinking back at that time. "you was five and I was six, we were at a playground. You was on the swing and felt really hard."

I start to smile, I will never forget that day, the day that we became friends. "you were crying and I laughed about you. But I felt guilty about that so I decide to help you. I helped you and after a while we played together. I've never laughed so hard with someone."

"or our first day at highschool and someone maked fun about you and I hitted that person and was suspended for a week. That person never talked to you again. Or that day I broke my arm and you and Ash brought me to the hospital."

I sigh. "we did so much together and have so much memories together , we can't forget that."tears came in my eyes. "please Noa, nothing is the same without you. I feel so lost and empty without you, I don't eat or sleep anymore. All I can think is about you, if you will ever wake up again and I know you will." I give her a little trick in her hand.

And not long after that I felt something back. Am I hallucinating?

"Noa? Noa! I know you can do this!" I said loud and look at her.

she tried to open her eyes but close it again. "yeah, hospital lights are very bright, I know, but try it again." I said trying to control my voice and not to freak out.

this time she manage to keep her eyes open. I put my hand for my mouth and start to cry. She is awake!

I give her a huge and I am not going to let her go. Never.

"w-water"She tried to say, her voice is almost gone. I grab a glass of water and give it to her, she drink it and give the glass back to me.

"I need to call Luke and Michael, they are waiting outside, I think in the restaurant."

A few doctors are walking in the room. "ah, I see that you are awake Mrs. Irwin." "no shit sherlock"I said sarcastically. Noa start to laugh a little. "we will do a few test if you don't mind " the doctor said.

while the doctors are buzzy with Noa I am trying to call Luke. "Hey Amy, can we come?" "better you guys hurry up because Noa wants to say something to you" "Is she awake?!" I heard him screaming. "we are coming" I heard michael saying and hang up.

I walk back to Noa and say that they are coming. "Everything is okay, but you need to stay a few days for control"the doctor said and walk away.

"you scared me as hell Noa, do this never to us again will you?" "I'll promise"

"you know, I heard everyting what you guys said to me." she said with a soft and exhausting voice. "so you heard my story?" I asked her. She nods. "and what Luke said, he said he love me." she said and started to blush.

I heard loud footsteps and see that someone open the door loudly. Two sweating guys are in our room. "damn guys, why are you two so sweaty?"

"this asshole" Michael said out of his breath and pointed at Luke "couldn't wait for the elevator and ran upstairs."

Luke walk to her bed and gave her a soft and lovely kiss. "I've missed you so fucking much Noa"he said and hold her hands.

"I will tell the other boys that you are awake and then leave so you two will be alone. "I said and winked at Noa.

"we will come back tomorrow" I said and give Noa and Luke a hug.

Michael and I are walking back to the car and I send Calum and Ashton a message that Noa is awake and that we are going to visit her tomorrow.

we are almost by our hotel. "michael?" "hm?""this morning you were trying to ask me something. What was it?"

we arrived at our room and walk to the door, he opened the door and we walk inside. after he closed the door he pinned me against the wall and kissed me. I kiss him back and put my hands in his hair.

"I was trying to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend"He said with a soft voice and looked into my eyes.

"I'd love to"I said with a big smile and kissed him again.

this day couldn't be better.

Hheeeyyyy people, hope you liked this chapter.
Michael finally asked Amy to be his girlfriend and Noa is finally awake. Yeay!
Don't forget to vote 😏
See ya next Tuesday ❤️

Xxxxx A & N

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