Crimson Petals

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     Daniel had managed to leave the hospital before being taken away. Being incarcerated for his crimes was the last thing he needed. He once again found himself in front of the path that led to Camp Campbell. He didn't feel that going back was going to go over well with the kids, but a certain happy-go-lucky camp counselor seemed pretty oblivious to what went on during the whole Koolaid incident. The poor sap had even sent him letters and flowers while he was in the hospital. 
     David. Daniel had been thinking about him a lot. How could someone be that happy all the time? Sure, Daniel seemed that way himself, but he had to do it to get a good impression in. Plus, he couldn't help but smile with the thought of all of those new sacrifices. Sure, that was what he was smiling about.
      His white shoes crunched quietly on the forest floor as he walked along. It was dark, but Daniel knew where he was going. As he scuffled along, he felt a slight weakness come over him. He began to cough, a bit of blood spilling from his lips. He just blamed this on the Koolaid. Rat poison had to take a toll on a stomach after all. Then again, he hadn't felt quite this bad during the whole time he was in the hospital. About half way down the path, Daniel pretty much fell to his knees, coughing up blood onto the crisp leaves of the forest floor below him. He had been able to blame it on the poisoning until he began to notice something else. Little white flower petals. It was just one at first, but then more and more came.
     It took him a bit to collect himself and wrap his mind around what was going on. No. He was imagining this, he had to be. This could not be happening. This wasn't happening. David was expendable. Just another sacrifice! He was still desperately trying to find another explanation, but there was none to be found.
    David was out on one of his nightly hikes when he came across Daniel. He made his way over to him, kneeling beside him without a second thought. "Daniel?! Are you alright?" His mind was swarming with questions, but this was all he could really manage. He had this concerned look on his face that Daniel couldn't understand. Why should this man give a shit if he lived or died? Such a happy, sweet person cared about his wellbeing. How was that possible?
     All Daniel could manage to stutter out was "Go..." He coughed harder, petals hitting the ground. They were no longer solid white, they had long since been stained crimson by the blood that accompanied them. He didn't want David here, just looking at him with what had to be mock worry. He felt he would rather die than confess to David, but he was in one hell of a position. If he didn't speak up, he would die.

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