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     The hug went on a little longer before David moved away. "We should get some rest. There's a big day of camp activities tomorrow! I'll let you sit out for a day or two to get yourself back to tip-top shape. After that, we'll welcome you and work you into the schdule!" David said cheerfully.
      He would give Daniel a few days to feel better before he introduced him back to everyone and got him to work as a counselor. Until then, he felt it was his duty to take care of the other and make sure he felt alright. While David had really tried to listen to the kids on what happened with the whole Koolaid incident, he still had trouble believing someone would poison people on purpose. It was so mean. He would monitor Daniel around the kids, anyway, even if it were to just be to make sure they weren't overwhelming him. They could be a bit much sometimes, after all.
     He motioned for Daniel to lie down on the bed before he left the room for a bit. When he came back, he had a sleeping bag and a pillow, which he used to set himself up a little bed in the floor. He turned off the light and laid down. Daniel wanted to protest the other lying in the floor, but man, the bed he was lying in sure was comfy. He had became used to the hard hospital beds, so lying there in David's bed was heavenly.
      "Goodnight." David says quietly, closing his eyes and attempting to fall asleep.
     "Good...night." Daniel found himself instinctively replying back, nearly half-asleep by this time. It had been a long time since he had gotten any good sleep, and he wasn't going to pass up an opportunity.
     When Daniel next opened up his eyes, it was about 8am. He grumbled at the light coming in through the window before sitting up. He looked around with a panicked, lost look before quickly realizing where he was. David's cabin. In Camp Campbell. After a moment, something else was brought to his attention. A pleasant aroma emanated from somewhere, him looking around to see a plate on the bedside table. David had brought him breakfast, that was what he had to assume at least. It was something simple that wouldn't upset his stomach too much: eggs, toast, bacon, and a glass of juice. Daniel eyed the food skeptically. Sure, he was hungry, but he didn't want to risk being poisoned. On the other hand, he hadn't exactly had a real meal in quite awhile.
     His stomach begged him to eat, and eventually he caved. He picked up the plate, inspecting the food on it. After a bit, he lifted a piece of egg with his fork, studying it before finally taking a bite. It was actually pretty good. He took a few more bites before picking up the juice and taking a drink. His stomach lurched, him nearly dropping the drink. He immediately sat it down, afraid of the consequences of keeping it in his shaking hands. Grape. The disgusting taste of grape had filled his mouth, flooding his senses. Looking back at the glass, the juice was orange. He was just imagining things. He had to have been. He calmed himself after a bit, and made an attempt to finish his now rather cold food.

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