Secrets and Smooches

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After eating what he could stomach from the plate, he carefully pulled himself to his feet. He headed into the bathroom both to use it and to look in the mirror at himself. He scoffed at his messy hair and appearance, quick to fix himself up just a bit. He made his way back into David's room, fully taking in the surroundings now that he was fully alert. He still felt awful, but he couldn't resist a good opportunity to get to know a little more about the other.
He was convinced David had something to hide. Didn't everyone? He looked through the room, making sure to put things back as they were as not to raise too much suspicion. He was beginning to have thoughts about giving up and going back to bed, but eventually he found what he was looking for. In a sense, at least. Pill bottles. Antidepressants. He knew it! No one could be that happy all the time, and no one could be completely secret-free. He smirked to himself a bit, putting the bottles back where he found them. A shame he had found what he was looking for so soon, because now he had nothing to do. He wasn't supposed to go out side yet. He wanted to, but even he decided against it for now. Eventually, he found himself lying on David's bed, flipping through a book about camping with a bit of an unamused expression.
David came in as he was mindlessly reading the book, him having that same cheerful look he wore. This time it didn't fully reach his eyes. He appeared a bit tired if you took the time to really study him. He did have to deal with all of the kids every day. Sure, he enjoyed it, but some days it just became... a tad overwhelming. He gave Daniel a smile, walking over to the foot of the bed.
"Hello there, Daniel! Glad to see you're up. How are you feeling?" He said, looking Daniel over.
"Fine." Daniel replied, not taking his eyes from the book. Its contents did not hold his interest at all, but he wanted to avoid any eye contact with the man before him. He didn't exactly know how to feel given the current situation, but his expression showed basically nothing.
The rest of the day was filled with these brief moments of David checking in and Daniel mindlessly flipping through books. On one of these visits, David brought him dinner. He couldn't stomach more food, especially with what happened earlier. It was a miracle he had gotten the bit of breakfast he did down. He went from being sick in the hospital to the strange new sickness, and in all honesty, he felt a little drained. Not too drained to protect himself if need be, though. Plus, he always had his trusty knife-
His briefly allowed his mind to wander, something in the dark recesses bringing itself forward. No, it wouldn't come to that. He wouldn't need to defend himself. If anything, he would strike first.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by the door opening for what he felt had to be the hundredth time that evening. David entered the room, his eyes immediately going to Daniel who was still relatively in the same spot as he was before.
"Sorry you have to be stuck in this room all day. Are you feeling up for a hike? The kids are in for the night." He offers. Daniel might have declined if it wasn't for the hopeful look on the other's face.
He shut the book, standing up and smoothing out his clothes before making his way to the door. Maybe just a little air would be nice after being cooped up in that room all day.
He followed David through the woods. It wasn't really a hike so much as it was a walk that involved dodging a couple trees, but Daniel wasn't complaining. He was doing better than before, but a sick feeling still resonated within him.
What was he doing? All of this was ridiculous! He had fallen for David, ended up getting his job back, and now he was following the other through the woods. He had work to do. His cult would not be happy. His god would not be happy. This was not what he had first came to the camp for.
By the time the storm of thoughts had began to slow, he was in a strange place. He looked around, being relieved to see that David was, in fact, there. Good, he hadn't gotten separated from him during his little episode.
They were in a clearing in the trees now. There was a little pond of water in the distance, the light from the moon reflecting off the water to create a pretty sight. Daniel had to admit, this place was pretty nice.
David led him over to a log where the two of them sat down. They spent awhile just talking. Well, it was more David talking and Daniel speaking up here and there, but it was a start. Man, David talked a lot. Then, he started to get sappy and flustered, and suddenly their lips touched.
Daniel panicked for a second, his mind going blank. After a second or two, he kissed back. David was bright red, but Daniel didn't appear bothered. Well, he wasn't blushing, but he was a bit ...nervous?
He didn't know how he felt about his relationship with David. It was obvious by his sickness that love for David came from somewhere, and David had said he loved him. Why did he have this doubt? He had never felt this way, this conflicted.
They pulled back, David continuing to talk about this and that. Daniel found himself enjoying just listening to the other talk about what happened while he was gone and everything in between. After a bit, David decided it was getting rather late and wanted to head back, so the two made their way back to the cabin the were currently sharing.

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