Diamond Microscopes

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Every day it's the same worn council.
I can feel myself pull away, detaching from the droning of my father's voice.
It kills me to know that I haven't reached his goal for me yet.

I know it's unachievable,
But still he pushes me.
I hate knowing that I'll never get there.
And somehow I'm always in the spotlight...

Eternally being observed through diamond microscopes,
My every move he records into his gemstone journal;
I'm indefinitely observed in his glass room.

I will my dreams to bring to me a pair of ruby flats,
So I can take myself home.
All of his obsidian needles infused with molten gold pierce me,
But my body rejects it.

It rejects his version of perfection
As do I.
His sapphire scalpel moves precisely,
With the intent to fix me.
But I react to the pain,
Forfeiting the procedure.

He wishes me to take pearl pills for my prescription,
I won't.

I fade back into the conversation as my father asks me a question.

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