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I'm really afraid of being soulless.

That one day I'm going to look up to find nothing but emptiness and a lack of existence that numbs me staring back.

I was suicidal, but my anger burned and kept me alive by charring me from the inside out.

No, it's nothing compared to losing yourself.

Sometimes I feel dead.
Sometimes it's so quiet that my thoughts scream.

Nothing seems able to break them.

I want to cry,
But then I forget why I'm sad and find myself unable to.

It's hard to connect.
I want to bawl my eyes out and feel stupidly happy over one I love or even genuinely hate someone for hurting me,

But nothing lasts long enough.

It's not blackness.
It's a lack of color altogether.

It's being blind and trying to picture a rainbow.

It's faking tears at your grandfather's funeral and not understanding why.

What's love?
What's being so happy that words can't express it?

I do know frostbite.
It's this perpetual chill that follows me constantly.
I blame it on poor circulation.
I don't know if that's true.

I wish I could feel excited like I'm supposed to.
Why couldn't I genuinely smile when I was surprised with my first car?

I can't function normally.
I don't understand,

But I'm really afraid of the quiet.
But I really love the quiet.

I fear becoming unrecognizable.

I think all the time about those close to me dying and what I'd feel,

Like I'm rehearsing it.

I would never hurt them.

I just want to cling to humanity and be perfect and hold on for God's sake.

Humanity's slippery.
Yeah, it's nothing compared to losing yourself.

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