The Letter

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3rd person POV

**In the morning**

Naruto and Sasuke woke up from the smell of breakfast.

"FOOOOOOOOD!!" Naruto yelled as he ran downstairs with excitement.

"Well, well is my cooking that good that you can smell it all way from your room...?" Dad asked.


"It's too early to yell idiot.." Sasuke then hits Naruto in the back of the head.

"You too are adorable.." Iruka smirked.

"Well I made eggs, pancakes and bacon I already ate so dig in."

"Don't have to tell me twice!!"

"Idiot stop eating like a pig!!" Sasuke yelled.

Naruto stopped eating then turned over to his beloved.



"Ahhh just like a married couple, seriously you guys should just get married already.."

"DAD!!!!" Naruto blushed.

"What?!" "Oh come on bud I was just joking around, well I gotta go I'll see you two later Bye!!"

"Great he left me with this douchebag.." Naruto scoffs.

"Oh come on you love this douchebag." Sasuke smirks.


"Mmmmm the eggs are so juicy!!'

"That's what you said last night *cough* *cough*"

"S-SASUKE!!!" Naruto blushed.


"Tch whatever Sasuke.." Naruto says as he gets up and walks to his room.

"Naruto I was joking!!" Sasuke yelled trying to cheer his little sunshine up.

"Yea Sasuke that's what you said..."

Naruto said as he slammed his room door and sat down thinking.

Sasuke got up and walked upstairs to Naruto's room.

**Knock** **Knock**

"Leave me alone Sasuke.."

"Not until you open the door."


"Alright Naruto you asked for it!"

Sasuke then kicked the door open.

"YOU IDIOT YOU BROKE MY DOOR!!" Naruto yelled.

"It's your fault you decided not to open the door dumbass."

Naruto flicked him off then start got up from his bed.

"Where are you going?" Sasuke asked curiously.

"None of your business Sasuke."

"Wow feisty." Sasuke rolled his eyes, wondering what is wrong with Naruto.

Sasuke grabbed Naruto's wrist and pulled him closer to him.

"What's wrong something's bothering you I can tell."

"Nothings wrong.." Naruto lied.

"Tell me, I wanna know."

"Sasuke what are we, that's what I wanna know are we friends, friends with benefits, or more what the hell are we!!!!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke could tell that this has been bothering Naruto, Naruto had a look on his eyes a look of confusion that couldn't be explained.

"Naruto I told you already, what we are...we're just..-"

"Fuck buddies...yea I know"

Naruto got off from Sasuke's grip then went outside for some fresh air. About an hour later Naruto decided to head back inside.

Naruto and Sasuke didn't talk for hours, so Sasuke decided to pack up and leave. He wrote a letter to Naruto before he left.

"Sasuke?!" Naruto yelled.

"Hey Sasuke I'm sorry for what had happened earlier I was just over thinking some things.."

Naruto had looked everywhere for Sasuke but of course.

He then found the letter Sasuke had wrote for him before he left.

Naruto, I'm sorry about earlier i should've gave you an answer but I couldn't because I don't even know what we are... that's why I couldn't answer you right then and there I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me..


"He wrote that for me, he left for me.." Naruto weeped.

Naruto cried all night long but not from sadness and confusion but from happiness and of feeling loved.

F*ck Buddy   *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now