Opened eyes

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Sasuke POV

The dismissal bell finally had been rang.

I ran out the class and jumped to my car.

I put in the GPS to address of the hospital Naruto is in.

"I'm finally gonna see him." I smiled.

30 minutes later I arrived at the hospital.

I went up to the front desk.

"Hello I'm here to see Naruto Uzumaki." I say.

"Ah he'll be on the third floor room 111." The lady smiles.

"Thank you!" I say as I ran to the elevator pressing the third floor button around a thousand times.

The elevator finally moved. I couldn't hold in my excitement, I started imagining how this would end will Naruto and I finally be together and show six that love can over power anything, will Naruto reject me.

The elevator dinged and stopped my thoughts, I ran down the hallway looking for room 111.

I scanned through the hallway like a hawk until I found his room.

"Naruto..." I say to myself.

I go inside to see Iruka sitting on the couch.


"Sasuke what are you doing here..?" Iruka asked curiously.

"I came to see Naruto.."

"He's *sigh* I don't even know.." Iruka say as he tried to hold back his tears.

"He'll be fine Iruka.." I say as I hug the poor father.

"Well you came just in time I actually have to go to work, tell me if anything happens or if the doctor says anything.." Iruka says as he got up from his seat.

"I'll be back Naruto, just keep fighting..." Iruka says as he kissed Naruto's forehead.

Iruka left leaving the room silent and filled with tension in the air.

"Naruto...why did this have to happen...why to you it could've been me it should've been me." I cried.

"It's just not fair you have to go through this, no one should.." I say holding onto his hand squeezing it to feel secure.

I sat down and started stroking his hair.

"I'll always be here Naruto, I'm here now.." I say as I kissed his forehead.

It's that feeling again...

That feeling of taking revenge for Naruto...

That feeling of seeing someone you truly love falling apart in front of you...

Sasuke couldn't take it...

He sat there crying for hours and hours in front of Naruto...

Cursing himself for believing that he put Naruto in the hospital...

Cursing himself for believing it's his fault that six appeared in the first place...

Sasuke finally stopped crying.

His eyes were as red and baggy as ever.

Head pounding, heart racing.

He looked at up Naruto and smiled.

As long as Naruto was there Sasuke was fine.

But Sasuke didn't feel fine he felt like everything was his fault.

F*ck Buddy   *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now