Chapter 1

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     It was boring inside the cage. Getting out once a day was very cramping in this weird building where they keep me and my kind. There were three other dogs here, too, but they went beyond a silver door and never came back.
     Earlier I had heard the tall man with the long white coat say something about my grace period ending. No idea what that meant, but hopefully it had nothing to do with that silver door.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am am Alaskan Malamute named Orion. My old owner, Benny, named me that for two reasons. 1) He was obsessed with Greek mythology, and 2) because I apparently have a white circle on the back of my head. Benny mysteriously disappeared after throwing a baseball (my favorite to chew on.) Now, I had heard stories of people leaving my kind at the park, but I thought they were just stories.
Anyway, on with the story. The tall man with the coat came back and told some lady to get a shot ready. She got a depressed look on her face, then left. Then, he opened up my cage, and pulled me out. "All right, buddy," he said. "It's time." Right as he put on my leash, the door opened and in walked a family of three: a tall man, a women, and a man a bit smaller than the first. The shorter man had red all over his face. The taller man then said, "Alright Bryan! Pick out whatever one you want!"
"But there is only one." the shorter one (presumably Bryan) complained. The man in the lab coat sighed, shook his head and said "Yes there is only one. His name is Orion and he was just about to go outside."
The taller man ask Bryan if he wanted me, and, of course, Bryan said yes. (Why wouldn't he? I am the most handsome of my kind!) After a few papers being signed, the man with the lab coat handed Bryan the leash, and outside we went.

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