Chapter 15: Two can't keep a Secret

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C h a p t e r  1 5 : T w o    C a n 't  
K e e p   A   S e c r e t

Alive: Rosalina, Daisy, Waluigi, Wario, Boo, Bowser, Mona, Pauline, Koopa, Dixie, Luigi

Dead: Peach, Dry Bones, Donkey Kong, Birdo, Toadette, Kamek, Yoshi, Bowser Jr, Mario, Toad, Diddy

"How many times can we make the same mistake of losing someone?" Daisy frowned. "The numbers are split now... There's eleven dead and eleven living. We're losing people quickly.."

"It's okay.. We can figure it out..." Rosalina assured. "It's not too late.."

"It will be though," Luigi sighed. "We've lost almost everyone. Even if we make it out of here, everyone will still be dead."

"No, I thought you guys were smart," Bowser sighed. "One-up mushrooms, hello?"

"That hypothetically seems like... A great idea..." Rosalina said. "...but in case you haven't noticed.. Some of the victims... Were stabbed... Or decapitated... How are you supposed.. To revive a body like that..?"

"Oh, true, I guess," Bowser frowned. "Hmm... And there's also the thing that some of us may not even make it out of here.."

"Let's not think about that..." Daisy looked away. "I don't want to think about anymore death."

"I don't think anyone does..." Rosalina sighed. "...this is so much... Stress."

"Yeah, I don't really wanna die yet," Bowser said wryly. "I'm actually surprised I'm not dead yet- I'm the Koopa King for heavens sake! Why am I still alive?"

"I dunno..." Daisy shrugged. "Don't jinx it, though. You might be painting a target on your forehead."

"True... I'll shut up now," Bowser saluted. "Too young to die!"

"Arent you older than most of us?"

"That's unimportant," Bowser hushed. "Let's just focus on that fact that we need to find this killer."

"True, true," Daisy agreed. "Do any of us have any clues?"

"No, not really... None of us have anything to go off of..." Rosalina sighed. "We're all... Just kinda... Left in the dark..."

"Well... Great. So we have no hints at all?" Luigi confirmed.

"Nope, none at all..." Daisy said sadly. "What are we going to do..?"



"It starts... With the unexpected loss... Of something dear..."

"That's like an actual depressing song.. What's going on in your life?" Boo questioned as he ghosted through the wall, scaring Pauline in the process.

"Gah!" Pauline shouted. "Geez, cut that out!"

"Sorry, won't do it again," King Boo apologized smirking. "But seriously, what's going on?"

"I don't know... We're stuck in a mansion full of killers, that's what?" Pauline countered. "I could die at any moment? You could die at any moment?"

"Well, there's no need to make it so depressing," Boo sighed. "By the way, your voice isn't that bad. It's actually pretty good."

"Uh... Thanks," Pauline smiled weakly. "Not exactly what I'm worried about now, but any other day it would've been a great compliment.."

"any other day? Even the ones before this?" Boo questioned.

"Yeah... Because I can feel it. I'm next..." Pauline trembled. "I'm going to die.. I won't even be able to do anything about it..."


"...I'm scared.." Pauline confessed. "If you haven't noticed, by now. I'm just completely terrified.. I'm definitely next. Now I kinda wish I hadn't wronged everyone so badly.. If I hadn't, maybe I'd still be spared-"

"What are you talking about?" Boo questioned, confused. "You're standing here right now. You're alive. You'll be okay."

"I've been lucky," Pauline whispered. "A lot of people have tried to kill me.. They just haven't been successful."

"A lot of people?" Boo questioned. "Pauline... Is there more than one murderer?"

"I can't say," her eyes darted from side to side. "They'll kill me if I do. I can't be next. I just can't."

"Pauline-this is important," Boo pressed. "Do you know who the murderers are?"

"I-" Pauline hesitated. "I already told you, I can't tell... Please excuse me-"

Pauline turned to leave and ran out of the room. Boo shook his head.

"Wait, Pauline-!"


Pauline ran quickly, looking behind her to make sure Boo wasn't following her. That definitely shouldn't have been her main concern, though. She was stopped suddenly as a hand clapped over her mouth and a blade pressed to her throat.

"...thank you for not releasing my secret..." One of the murderer's whispered. "But I'm afraid this is where it ends for you. After all... Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead."

Hey everyone! Just in case you were wondering- at the end of this book, there will be a bonus where I'll explain all of the clues and stuff so if you're ever wondering when this book is over, you can look there. You won't be left in the dark anymore- you're welcome!


Oh and as a side note- I know I've said this like five times, but PLEASE RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE'S SHIPS. ACTUALLY, JUST RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE's OPINIONS. BECAUSE NEWSFLASH- PEOPLE HAVE OPINIONS. If you don't- I will, unfortunately, block you. I want this to be a environment where everyone can be safe here and not hated on. Got it? Good. Sweet. Thanks in advance.

Who's the mafia? The cop? The nurse? Are they dead? And oh no, Pauline is dead! upset about that!, but for real, I actually do like Pauline, so...

Oh- and if you just put a hate comment on the Pauline thing, go delete it now before I do it for you.

Thanks for reading!

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