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K o o p a

Alive: Waluigi, Rosalina, Koopa, Boo

After about two hours of hard thinking, the group of four met up again. They had separated into four different rooms to ponder the facts and everyone now had had time to think.

It was now time to choose who they wanted to kill. If they killed the wrong person, they would be screwed and the mafia would kill them, so it was important they made the right decision...

"So who do we think... It is..?" Rosalina questioned quietly.

"I don't wanna make the wrong decision.." Waluigi looked the ground.

"We have no choice but to make a decision," Koopa told him. "So, who do we all think it is?"

"...I think it's Waluigi," Boo said quickly. "It has to be him."

"I agree," Koopa declared. "Let's do it."

"Are you sure..?" Rosalina asked tentatively. "What if we're wrong..?"

"That's our decision.. I don't know who else it would be," Koopa shrugged. "I hope we're right.."

"Maybe we should rethink this," Waluigi stated. "I don't think that Koopa's the mafia."

"It has to be him, though," Boo said. "It's obvious that everything leads to it being Koopa."

"I haven't done anything wrong!" Koopa defended. "We're all going to die if you pick me. I haven't killed anyone."

"Yeah, I'm not completely sure it's Koopa.." Waluigi said. "He doesn't seem suspicious at all.."

"I don't know..." Rosalina said. "It makes sense for it to be Koopa.. After all, nobody really paid... Attention to him.."

"Well... I guess that's true," Waluigi pondered.

"Waluigi, please, don't! You guys are going to pick the wrong person if you pick me," Koopa pleaded. "We'll die! The mafia will win."

"Don't believe him.." Boo told him. "He'll do anything to save his hide. He's the mafia. Well? Aren't going going to deny it?"

"I am," Koopa shot back. "But it seems I can't change your minds.. Just don't pick me."

"We're all voting him, right?" Rosalina asked.
Boo nodded in confirmation.

"I really hope we picked the right person," Waluigi muttered.

"There's only one way to find out..." Boo said grimly. "Let's see if you were lying.."

"Koopa, are you the murderer?"

"No, I'm not the murderer," Koopa said. "It's not too late to change your votes! We can do this... We can catch the right mafia. Come on, Waluigi!"

"Yeah... Maybe we should pick someone else," Waluigi agreed. "I really don't think it's Koopa."

"Well, it is!" Boo protested. "We know that. Listen. If it's not him, I'll kill myself next. I mean, if it's not him, we'll all die anyway, but..."

"I dunno..." Waluigi frowned. "How do I know you're not just lying?"

"Because I'm not?" Koopa sneered. "Guys, I'm not the mafia. I'm urging you guys to pick someone else. It's not me. It's not too late to change our votes. Who knows? Maybes it's- uh... Boo!"

"No... It has to be you.." Rosalina said. "Why are you diverting attention off of yourself..? You should be trying to convince us not to kill you if you weren't the mafia..."

"I'm not the mafia!" Koopa protested. "It isn't me!"

"Look.." Rosalina told them. "He's not even
trying to prove why he isn't the mafia... He's just trying to give invalid arguments.. And that's it."

"That is true..." Boo agreed thoughtfully. "He hasn't done anything."

"Oh come on," Koopa shook his head. "I just suck at mafia. I was always terrible at defending myself during the game so you guys always killed me! I'm not the mafia."

"I don't know..." Waluigi said. "You always self incriminate yourself... Are you doing that right now?"

"I don't know, would it persuade you guys to pick someone up if I shut up?" Koopa asked irritably.

"Yes, actually," Boo answered. "It'll let us think. What do you guys believe?"

"I'm still adamant that it's... Him..." Rosalina told him. "It has to be Koopa... He always was ignored by everyone and everyone was extremely rude to him. It makes sense for it to be him."

"Yeah... I see what you mean," Waluigi nodded. "But.. I'm not completely sure..."

"Well, hurry up. We have to vote now. Do we think it's him?"

"Yes... We do," Rosalina said. "Does everyone... Agree?"

"Yeah. Your reasoning was good, Rosalina," Boo complimented. "You totally persuaded me."

"I don't know..." Waluigi sighed. "But I trust you, Rosalina.. So I'll believe it. It's him."

"Wait, guys, we're going to die if you vote me!" Koopa shouted.

"Of course you'd say that," Boo rolled his eyes. "So we're all in agreement?"



"Alright... There's no escaping anymore, Koopa. Are you the murderer?"

"No, I'm not..." Koopa looked away. "...you guys killed yourself and myself, congratulations. We're dead."

"Why are you still pretending!?" Boo shouted. "We know it's you!"

Koopa shrugged.

"...sorry, it's not me. I've got no idea who it is- but it isn't me."

"Let me make things easier for you..." The murderer grinned. "You guys made the wrong choice!"

In a flash, all but the murderer and Koopa were slaughtered.

"Of course it was you..." Koopa sighed. "Of course..."

Those were his final words. The murderer smiled maliciously as they looked at the dead bodies around the room.

Game over. I win.

Uh oh- Koopa wasn't the murderer! Unfortunately, everyone was killed because of that...

You've still got more chances to get the mafia correct!

Is it....




Good luck, and thanks for reading!

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