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R o s a l i n a

Alive: Waluigi, Rosalina, Koopa, Boo

After about two hours of hard thinking, the group of four met up again. They had separated into four different rooms to ponder the facts and everyone now had had time to think.

It was now time to choose who they wanted to kill. If they killed the wrong person, they would be screwed and the mafia would kill them, so it was important they made the right decision...

"So who do we think... It is..?" Rosalina questioned quietly.

"I don't wanna make the wrong decision.." Waluigi looked the ground.

"We have no choice but to make a decision," Koopa told him. "So, who do we all think it is?"

"...I think it's Rosalina," Boo said quickly. "It has to be her."

"That's what I was thinking," Waluigi declared. "Glad to know I wasn't the only one."

"Are you sure?" Koopa asked. "What do we do if it's wrong?"

"That's our decision.. I don't know who else it would be," Waluigi shrugged. "I hope we're right.."

"Rosalina, though? Are we sure? It's most likely not her..." Koopa pointed out. "I haven't seen any fishy activity from her.."

It has to be her, though," Boo said. "All the evidence points to it being Rosalina."

"You guys are be making a huge mistake by picking me.." Rosalina defended. "We're all die if you pick me. I'm not the murderer."

"I dunno... I kinda trust her," Koopa said. "She just seems so.. Honest."

"It has to be majority vote," Waluigi sighed. "Koopa, please.. We can show you the evidence for her being the mafia. Just please, trust us.."

"I don't know about this... But okay... I trust you guys."

"Koopa, you're making a huge mistake...Don't side with them, they're just trying to manipulate you.. I'm not the mafia.." Rosalina pleaded. "It's not me."

"I don't know who to believe," Koopa stated.

"You're already with us, don't worry," Boo said. "We've got this..."

"Alright... I'm trusting you guys." Koopa allowed. "Let's hope that this the right choice..."

"I really hope we picked the right person," Waluigi muttered.

"There's only one way to find out..." Boo said grimly. "Let's see how true your words are.."

"Rosalina, are you the murderer?"

"No... I literally just told you I wasn't the murderer..." Rosalina defended. "How can you still.. Stop... You guys are going to waste your vote on killing me... If you kill me... It's game over, and we lose..."

"We already voted on you," Koopa said. "You can stop pretending now. You're just going to make it harder on yourself."

"But I'm.. Not the mafia..!" Rosalina protested. "I promise... You guys.."

"Why are you still acting innocent?" Waluigi questioned. "We found the mafia, you don't have to pretend..."

"Unless that means..." Boo's eyes widened. "We picked the wrong person?"

"Guys..." Rosalina sighed. "I'm not the mafia... It's someone else... I promise.."

"I don't know," Boo said. "You could still just be acting. I still think it's Rosalina."

"I'm going to have to agree with that..." Waluigi diverted his eyes. "I'm sorry, Rosalina."

"Guys, I don't know about this..." Koopa said uncertainly. "What if she's innocent?"

"I am innocent... Please believe me..." Rosalina begged. "Don't kill an innocent-"

"But you're the mafia," Boo said. "Stop lying. The game of cat and mouse is over- and you lost."

"Fine... You want the truth?" Rosalina raised her brow.

"Yeah," Koopa nodded. "Please."


"Am not the mafia... But I found out who is.." Rosalina said. "Since that was your guess... I guess that.. Means we lost..."

The murderer grinned maliciously.

"Thank you all for picking Rosalina," one of the murderers declared. "Because you've given me the perfect chance to slaughter you all!"

"We screwed up..!"

"I told you guys.." Rosalina sighed. "You made the wrong decision..."

"Heheh! Time for you all to die!"

In an instant, it was a massacre. All but the murderer and Rosalina were slain easily.

"You tried, Rosalina... You tried so hard to convince them."

"I knew it was you..."

Her words died in her throat and she never got to finish as she was killed.

Game over. I win.

Uh oh! Everyone died... You picked the wrong mafia!

You came here- Rosalina is not the mafia- but maybe someone else is?




Good luck finding the mafia!

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