i | last night

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  I opened my eyes slowly, my eyelids weighing down on my eyes as if they were a thousand pounds each. I rubbed them and sat up slowly, groaning in ache. I squinted around until I found my glasses on the nightstand next to the bed. I slid them on my face and was faced with an even blurrier image than if I had none on at all. I took them off and blinked multiple times before seeing more clearly. I looked down at the glasses in my hand and realized that they weren't mine. I tilted my head as I yawned and stretched my arms upward. It was then that I looked at my room.

  Except it wasn't my room.

  The room I was in was painted dark blue, much different than my pale green, and had posters of sports teams lining the walls, very unlike my posters of movies and television. My clothes sat on the floor next to the bed, with my sneakers by the closed door. I looked down and saw that I was currently in a long shirt that covered my whole body to my upper thigh. My head began racing.

  Who's house am I in? I thought to myself, along with many other things. I found my actual glasses on the nightstand next to a lamp and a picture frame. I grabbed them and pushed them up the bridge of my nose. My eyes adjusted and I turned around to see a sleeping body next to me, turned away from me. He had no shirt on and had black hair. From what I could see, he seemed tall, as what I thought was his shirt was a dress on me. I reached for my phone on the floor before I took notice of the picture on the nightstand. It was of three boys from my school's volleyball team, only one of them having black hair: Lucas Mitchell.

"Oh shit." I whispered to myself. My mind began to run 70 miles a minute before I assessed my situation.

Did I sleep with the captain of the volleyball team? I thought. He had no ideas I exist, though. I checked my phone and I had gotten eight messages from Bree and Penny, asking where I was. I told them I was at the boys' house and that I was on my way to Bree's house, which was where I was supposed to stay. I silently got out of the bed and slipped off the shirt, pulling on my costume from the night before. I collected my things and tied my shoes up before folding his shirt up neatly and sitting it on the empty pillow. I walked over to his side and looked down at his sleeping figure, his mouth half open. I giggled quietly before leaning down and laying a light kiss on his cheek before walking out the door of his room, quietly closing the door behind me. As I closed the door, I arrived with the maze that was the 2nd floor of his house. I tiptoed down the hall to the staircase and creeped down, a look of pure terror spread across my face. I got to the first floor and managed to was unable to find the front door, but I did find the back door.

  I walked into his backyard and was hit with the cold breeze of the November 1st air and gripped my arms tightly. I found a gate by the side and walked through it, making it to the road. I walked all the way to the street sign and read it; Waydinger Avenue. I was surprisingly close to Bree's house, so I walked down the long hill street and got to the coffee shop across from Bree's house. I walked in and bought three teas for Penny, Bree and I, and walked across the street, and in the front door. Penny had her head in the fridge and Bree was laying across the couch. The screen door slammed behind me and I flinched as they whipped around and looked at me. I smiled at them and the quickly made their way to me.

  "Where were you last night?" Penny asked.

  "I slept at the boys' house." I lied. "I was too plastered to move." They exchanged a glance before laughing.

  "Your costume's inside out." Bree said and I looked down at myself. My costume was indeed on inside out. They laughed again and I stole away into Bree's room, grabbing a pair of shorts and a shirt from her dresser and changing into them before returning to them drinking their tea. I sat in the living room with them, Bree on the floor and Penny on the couch.

  "Details, we need details." Bree said.

  "No details." I said. "There are no details to tell."

  "Let me guess, kiss and not tell?" Penny said and I smirked.

  "Maybe it's sleep with and not tell?" Bree jokes and I have her a serious glare. She stopped laughing and gaped at me.

  "Ellie O'Brien, you did not!" Bree exclaimed. "No, there's no way!" I simply shrugged my shoulders and she squealed.

  "What am I missing?" Penny asked.

  "You lost your v-card last night!" Bree screamed out. I looked at my cup and nodded slightly. Bree screamed and then began getting hysterical, nearly spilling her tea.

"Well I don't know." I said as she began to regain her composure.

"What'd you mean?" Penny asked, crossing her legs over one another.

"I mean, I was really plastered last night." I explained. "And I don't even know how it could've even posssibly have happened."

"But who was it with?" They both asked. I bit my lip and hesitated.

"Um, itmighthavebeenlucasmitchellfromthevolleyballteam." I managed to splurge together into one word.

  "Ok, slower this time, and use English please." Penny said and I sighed.

  "It might have been Lucas Mitchell from the volleyball team." I blurted out. "But nothing probably happened!" I immediately defended myself. They both screamed when I said his name and Bree began hyper ventilating.

  "You mean to tell me that you, Ellie O'Brien, slept with Lucas Mitchell?" She asked between deep breaths. "The Lucas Mitchell? Track and volleyball star and one of the hottest guys in senior year?" I nodded and she screamed again and began pacing around the room. "The one you fantasized about since sophomore year, and the giant that has really nice eyes and abs?"

  "That's the one." I replied. She got very close to me.

  "What happened?"

  "What'd you mean what happened?" I asked.

  "I mean, what'd you do, how'd this come about, and most importantly, how was it?" She asked repeatedly until I groaned loudly.

  "Fine then. One, I don't exactly remember a whole lot. Two, I got very drunk and I'm guessing he did too and we did that I guess. And three, not telling because I don't remember much." I numbered off on my fingers. Penny just sat there and took in all the information. "Okay, so what happened last night?"

  "Well, we went to the dance at the school last night, and we were all going to Tanner, Adam and David's house to hang out, when we heard about a party near here. So after the dance, we went in their truck." Bree explained in explicit detail. "After that, we got to the party and you started doing Jell-O shots because someone told you they didn't have alcohol and you actually believed them. And Penny was the designated driver so we both didn't drink a lot or at all, surprisingly. So you were having fun with the boys and we decided we'd go home and you'd come home later. Turns out that wasn't the case and you got very cozy with Luke." I swatted at her with my arm and she slid away. "Hey, it's the truth."

  "But here's the thing I don't get." I interjected. "Why would Lucas Mitchell ever think I was hot enough to have sex with?"

  "That's a good question, with a good answer." Penny stated. "You looked bomb in your costume last night, and you looked so attractive I'm surprised every boy wasn't falling over you."

  "Thanks." I replied. Bree looked up from her phone.

  "Hey, people are posting pictures from the party." She said and we all hurdled around her phone. We watched the screen intently as she scrolled through her Instagram and saw our night play out in front of us.

  "Wait, look in the back of this one!" I said, pointing at the background of a photo of a group of girls. In the back, was a boy in a cop costume with the shirt opened and a shorter girl in a cheerleader's outfit, grinding against one another. We zoomed in on the two and enhanced the image is reveal that the girl was me, and the boy was Luke.

  "That's you!" Bree exclaimed loudly and I put my hand over my mouth.

  "I would never do that!" I said.

  "Turns our alcohol does something to you." Penny agreed and I began to pace around the room.

  Why would I be grinding on Lucas Mitchell?

did i sleep with the captain of the volleyball team? | originalWhere stories live. Discover now