iv | tipsy

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october 31st, 11:04 pm

  I sat in the driver's seat of the truck, Adam in the passenger seat, Tanner sat between us, and Bree, Penny and David in the back. We turned up Bree's street and drove up the high hill that was Waydinger Avenue. As we got closer to the top, we saw a heavily populated house located in the left side, roaring with life. There were people in the yard, drinking and dancing, and music was blaring from the inside. We stopped behind another car on the other side of the road.

  "Are we seriously doing this?" I asked, and Penny repeated it.

  "Yes we are." Bree said, jumping out. The boys and us all climbed out and began walking around to the house, before Adam grabbed me by the arm.

  "Hold on," He said and I looked confusedly at him. He looked at me up and down, before adjusting my chest.

  "Adam!" I exclaimed and he looked up at me.

  "Do you want to get laid tonight or not?" He asked and I said nothing. "Exactly my point, now twirl." I spun around awkwardly and he nodded. "Good." We caught up with the group and were about to walk inside.

  "We're doing this?"

  "Definitely." Tanner grabbed the doorknob and turned it, before pushing it open. Music crashed into our eardrums like a bullet on a piece of sheet metal. I instinctively put my hands over my ears before trying to get used to the beat. It was then that I looked around.

  On the stairs, there were couples talking, and in the living room, there were people talking and playing party games, and in the kitchen, people were drinking and laughing. Bree pulled me into the living room and we were enveloped by the people. I immediately wanted to curl up into a small ball and die right in the middle of the room.

  "Hey, Ellie, right?" A guy asked from behind us. We turned around and saw Max standing behind us. "From history?"

  "Yep that's me." I said and Bree groaned. "Nice party."

  "First party, I'm guessing?" He asked and I nodded. He laughed and tried to hand me a beer from the table. I shook my head and he cocked an eyebrow.

  "You don't drink?" He asked and I shook my head.

  "I just can't stand beer." I lied, mentally slapping myself. He nodded and handed me a little cup of blue jello.

  "Here, no alcohol." He said. I eyed him suspiciously before I shrugged and put the jello in my mouth, the gelatine sliding down my throat. The flavour of blue raspberry surged through me.

  "That's so good!" I exclaimed, before asking him to hand me some more. He reluctantly passed me three more and I took them down quickly. "Thank you Max!"

  "Someone's getting excited." He replied and I laughed.

  "Oh Max, you're so funny!" I said, giggling and slapping his chest playfully. He laughed before saying hi goodbyes and leaving.

  "Hey, you good?" Bree asked as she looked at me.

  "Never better!" I yelled over the music. I spotted Tanner across the room with his team and I pointed at him. "I'm going to go talk to Tanner. Bye." I left with that and walked up to Tanner and his friends. "Hello boys!" I said excitedly.

  "Hey El, are you drunk?" Tanner asked. I hiccuped and giggled.

  "No way, I'd never under age drink." I said and he rolled his eyes.

  "Hey, who's your friend Tan?" Connor asked. I smiled at the group of them.

  "I'm Ellie, what're your names?" I asked. "Wait wait, you're Connor," I said, pointing at him. "You're Brad." I pointed at Brad. "And you're Jensen, you're Paulie." I pointed at Paulie and Jensen. "And you," I pointed at Lucas. "You are really tall and attractive." I walked closer to him and I managed to see his pupils dilate as he looked at me from head to toe.

  "Right back at you." He replied, his words slurring slightly.

  "And on that note," Jensen said. "We'll be over there if you need us." He pointed to the other side of the room and they all walked over, leaving just Luke and I.


  "So you're a cop?" I asked, looking at his outfit, walking closer, to the point where I was right in front of him, after we had finished dancing. I looked up and I saw his lips curl into a smirk.

  "And you're a cheerleader." He said, looking at my costume. "A hot cheerleader." I grabbed him by his belt buckle and pulled him to me, his lower chest touch mine.

  "And you're hot cop." I said, smirking up at him. He lifted an eyebrow at me. His shirt had been opened by now, and I was now looking at his bare chest. "Do you wanna get out of here?"

  "My house is right next door, and my parents are in the city for the weekend." He said and I smiled.

  "That sound good to me." I pulled him through the house by his buckle and he followed behind me willingly. As we got out of the house, we walked next door, his hand now in mine. He opened the gate to the back door and we snuck in, before walking through the back door. He walked me to the kitchen and turned on the lights. I walked to the corner of the counter and lifted myself up into it, looking back at him.

  "You want anything?" He asked, opening the refrigerator. "Water, juice, pop, beer?" He got a soda out of the fridge and went to open it as he stood in front of me.

  "You." I said and he looked up at me, and I looked back deep into his chocolate brown eyes. His eyebrow raised in surprise, and a smirk grew upon his stubbled face.

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