iii | chariot

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"So why exactly are we going to the school?" Penny asked. "I only asked for you guys to drive me home."

"We're going to see Ellie's boyfriend." Bree poked at me, literally poking my leg as we were stopped at an intersection. My hands were busy gripping the wheel that I couldn't slap her away.

"No, we're going to watch Tanner, for your information." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. "And he's not my boyfriend." I muttered. The light turned green and I pressed lightly on the gas, passing through the intersection and onto our school's street. I turned into the parking lot by the gym and parked in a parking space. We all jumped out and I fixed my bangs in the front mirror. As we walked in the doors to the hall, we were greeted by some members of the student council. We all paid our 1.50 and walked into the crowded gym. There were three games going on, none of which were our school's. We spotted Adam and David in the bleachers and walked up to sit next to them. Bree and Penny sat on either sides, and I squeezed myself between the boys.

Our school's team came out of the locker room as the first game ended and walked over to their bench. I noticed Tanner earring his signature bandana that he wore to every game, and behind him, I saw Lucas, the 2nd tallest on the team, after Connor. Tanner looked up in the stands and saw the group of us and we waved frantically at him, but Luke saw us as well and waved back at me. My eyes went wide and I immediately shoved my hands in my pockets out of embarrassment. The opposing team, my cousin's school, came out of the female locker room and sat at their bench.

"The next match is the reigning champions, J.D Rydinger Serpents versus the Cherry Valley High Ravens!" An announcer said from the score tables. The cheerleaders came out and began cheering, and I rolled my eyes. I had dressed up as a cheerleader last night, but I detested the cheerleaders at my school. They were actually the girl's volleyball team, but they took their chances to wear skirts that just covered their asses, and basically bras, in public. As they cheered next to our bench, one of them, Kari Bing, stood next to the end, right beside where Lucas and Bradley were sitting. She brushed her arm across his and winked at him, to which he pushed her arm off and switched places with Brad. She furrowed her brow at him before whipping back.

"Go Howell!" We all called out as Tanner walked onto the court during subs. Bree tapped my shoulder from behind David and I turned to her, to which she mouthed the words, "Look down there." I looked over, pretending to talk to Adam, and saw Luke, Max and Connor whispering to each other on the bench, Connor gesturing towards the bleachers every once on a while.

  "What'd you think they're talking about?" Adam asked us, and I shrugged my shoulders.

  "Lucas is probably telling them about his and Ellie's sex fuelled night together." Bree blurted out in a whisper and Adam burst out laughing, and David looked at us with a shocked expression.

  "Bree!" I exclaimed quietly. I shushed her and looked back at the game, my hands clenched together in my lap.

  "Wright serves the ball, across the court to Fernandez, who bumps it over the net to McMasters, who passes to Howell, who sets it up for Mitchell. Mitchell makes the jump, and spikes the ball over the net!" The commentator said as the play went through. Lucas sprang into the air and slammed the ball into the gym floor, earning the team another point. The crowd cheered, including us.

  The game had ended with a score of 12-23 for us. As we all stood outside of the boys locker room, waiting for Tanner, we watched boys file out of both locker rooms, and the girl's volleyball team behind them. Adam and I stood on the opposite wall, myself crouching.

"Are you wall sitting?" I asked as I looked next to me and saw him wall sitting.

"Yes, yes I am." He replied and I rolled my eyes, before standing up and getting down in a sitting position on the wall next to him.

"Sitting contest, go!" I said and we put our hands on our knees, looking at the other. My knees began to shake around before I saw him crumble to the floor. I laughed loudly before jumping up. "Yes! I am victorious!" I threw my fists in the air. Tanner came out of the locker room with his bag around his shoulder. Bree and David walked up to him before Adam and I also did, Penny getting picked up by her mom minutes before.

"Nice game, little bro." David said, wrapping his arm around Tanner's shoulders. Tanner groaned and we all made our way for the door, before a voice called out, "Hey, Ellie, wait up!" We all turned around and saw Lucas jogging up to us. He stood in front of me and I froze.

"Hey," He said, his face red from playing. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I nodded and he stood there before he looked at our group. "In private?"

"We'll be in the car, El." Bree said, dragging the boys out of the building to the truck. Lucas turned back to me.

"So, how are you?" He asked, trying to insinuate a conversation. I shrugged.

"I'm feeling fine if that's what you mean." I said, my voice quivering from shyness. I smiled awkwardly and he chuckled.

"Yeah, right." He replied. "So, what do we do exactly?"

"I've never been in this situation before, so I don't know." I said quietly. "But, maybe we could think about it and then maybe we could go from there."

"Okay, that sounds good to me." He said, smiling down at me. I looked up at him and smiled. We stood like that for a few seconds before his friends called from the doors.

"Hey loverboy, come on, we don't have all day!" Connor called and Luke went bright red, and I chuckled. He looked at them and back at me. He pulled off his backpack and opened a small pocket, pulling out a bracelet. It was a bracelet that I forgot in his room.

"You forgot this this morning." He said and handed it to me. I took it and smiled.

"Thanks Luke." I said and he smiled before turning away and walking to his friends. He made a whipping turn around and jogged up to me again, cupping my head in his palms and kissing me. I kissed back for a split second before he pulled away and ran back to his friends and left.

I stood there for a while before looking over at the hall window and I saw Bree, Adam, Tanner and David all standing in the window laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked out to meet back up with them.

"Ellie nd Luke chilling in a car," Adam sang out. "Are they-"

"Shut up!" I said, pushing him.

did i sleep with the captain of the volleyball team? | originalWhere stories live. Discover now