ii | tell me why

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october 31st, 7:53 pm

I walked out of the bathroom and pulled my skirt down over my legs. Bree was standing by the door and Penny stood next to her, looking down at her phone. I took one final look at myself in the mirror and adjusted my top, before walking over to them.

  "How do I look?" I askers them and they exchanged hopeful glances.

  "I'd be surprised if you didn't get lucky tonight." Bree said and I gasped. "What? It's a compliment!" I rolled my eyes as Penny laughed and we made our way to my truck. We all climbed in and pulled out of the driveway of Bree's house. We drove for what seemed like two minutes to the school and parked in the football field parking lot. The three of us clambered out of the truck and I locked the doors. We walked to the doors and showed the principals our school IDs and they let us through. Our friend Hannah was sitting at the table, collecting money, and we gave her our five dollars each, and walked into the gym. Our friends Tanner, Adam and David were all standing next to the doors and they met up with us.

  "Hello ladies." Adam said as he slid in between Bree and I. I shoved his arm off me and laughed at his attitude.

  "So, what's the change here, Elle?" Tanner asked once we got situated. "It looks nice."

  "Thank you Tanner, and I'm trying something new.." I said, but began to trail as I saw a group of guys dressed as cops walk through the doors. In the front were Lucas Mitchell, Bradley McMasters, and Connor Wright, all strutting in with sunglasses on. It was then that I went into full swooning mode, basically drooling over them.

  "Close your mouth honey, you'll catch flies." Penny said and I looked back at her.

  "He looks so hot." I said, gawking at Lucas. "Like hotter than last year."

  "Well it was pretty hard to trump last year's Hell's Angels ensemble." Bree stated.

"Well that was the one time I'd ever heard Ellie say she was sexually frustrated." Adam added and I slapped him on the arm.

"All I want in life is to be with him." I said as I looked onward at Lucas, whom was making his way towards the entrance to the 1st floor, as the gym was on the 2nd floor. I adjusted myself and looked at Adam, Tanner and Bree. "We're gonna go in the haunted basement, come on." I grabbed Bree's wrist and dragged her and Adam behind me and stood behind the boys' towering figures in front of us.

"Okay so, you, you, you, you, you, you and you all go." The girl in zombie makeup holding open the door said, and a 'tour guide' whisked away the seven of us down the stairs.

"So welcome to the Maitland Penitentiary." The guide said as we arrived at the floor. We began to walk down a hall of lockers, along with classrooms. "It was established in 1864, and was very strict on punishment if having bad behaviour." We shuffled down the dark hallway, Bree keeping me very close to Lucas, as I was walking next to him. All of a sudden, a slam was heard from next to me, and a student pushed open a locker door aggressively and jumped out at us. Everyone screamed out and I grabbed Adam's arm.

..or at least what I thought was Adam's arm. I looked back and realized the arm belonged to Lucas. I let go and went insanely red as we kept making our way around the halls. We walked into the biology lab and saw what looked like a seance circle in the middle of the floor.

"Come, sit." The guide told us, beckoning is towards the chairs outside the circle. We all crept towards it and sat down on the chairs, myself being sat between Bree and Lucas. I looked down my line of friends and they were all smirking in my direction. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the guide. "So, we are about to call upon a deceased member of this prison, whom of which lived and died in this cell. And for this to work, I would like you all to join hands."

What?! The voice in my head mentally screamed. I looked over at Lucas and he held his large hand out for me to take. I slid my small hand into his palm and we joined hands, not entwining our fingers like I had hoped. As he all joined hands, the guide spoke once more.

  "Now that we've all joined hands, we must repeat a chant to summon him." He explained and the whole circle exchanged glances. It was silent in the room until Bradley spoke up:

  "Tell me why, ain't nothing but a mistake," He chanted, and we all chuckled, before hesitantly joining in with him.

  "Tell me why, ain't nothing but a heartache. Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way." We all chanted, and within a second, another student popped up from out of the back room of the lab and screamed. She came running for us and we all began freaking out, and I was suddenly dragged towards the door by Lucas, his hand still gripping mine. Connor was trying to push the door open, and managed to pull it open, and we all scrambled out of the room. Luke's hand slipped out of mine and I ran figure eights around on my palm with my other finger as we walked back to the gym, a smile never leaving my face.

"Okay so that was terrifying!" Bree exclaimed as we walked back. Adam nodded in agreement but I wasn't paying any attention to them. Bree snapped in front of my nose and said, "Ellie, earth to Ellie!" I looked at her and tilted my head. "You in there?"

"Yeah, what's up?" I said cheerily.

"So how was that?" Adam asked.

"How was what?"

"Oh don't make it seem like we didn't know what happened." Bree said. "You and Luke had to hold hands, and you loved it."

"Oh shut up." I retorted, trying to erase the red from my face.

  "Oh it was adorable!" Bree protested as we walked back into the gymnasium. The DJ grabbed a microphone and bellowed over the crowd, "Okay guys, this is the last song of the night!" He picked another song from his laptop and it began to blare through the speakers. And of course it was everyone's favourite old song: Raise Your Glass by P!nk. Everyone was dancing around, then jumping, then returning back to the original dancing position. Through the whole three minutes, everyone was screaming out the lyrics to the 2000's ballard.

  Once the song ended, everyone began to slowly file out of the gym and down the stairs to the entrance, including the six of us. Adam jogged out after us.

  "Hey guys, do I have good news for you!" He said.

  "And what is this good news, Adam?" I asked.

  "I just found out, that there is a party going on up the street from Bree's house!" He exclaimed.


  "Max Draner's."

  "There is no way we are going to a Max Draner party!" I exclaimed.

  "Why not?" Bree asked. "Come on Elle!"

  "Why not? Cause we're us!" I replied. "They'll be a popular kids party, and last time I checked, we're not exactly popular kids."

  "Well we're going." David said, and we all climbed in my truck and drove to Max's house.

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