01 | a proposal

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"So, Zane, your birthday's coming up soon, right?" David asked, pointing his camera at his already cautious friend. 

"Yeah, why?" he asked, side-eyeing David, who had a mischievous grin on his face. 

At Zane's expression David already began to burst into laughter, causing Zane to judge him even more. "What? Oh my god, I shouldn't have told you it's my birthday, you're gonna like put me in a blindfold and throw me in a shark tank or something aren't you?" 

David laughed harder in response, "No, I'd be nice, I'd toss in the cake after you."

"Oh wow," Zane grinned, "thanks, baby, you're really — you're really looking out for me aren't you."

"You know me," David shrugged.

At this Zane scoffed, throwing back his head in a bark of fake laughter, "Oh, bitch, I do know you. I know you crazy enough to pull that type of shit, damn."

"No, but seriously, I'm trying to ask you, what do you want for your birthday?" David asked.

"Peace and quiet from your bullshit," Zane grumbled, earning another fit of laughter from his friend. 

"Zane, I'm not kidding I'm trying to be a good friend, tell me what you want" David insisted. They were sitting across from each other on the couch of Scott, Todd, and Jason's house. 

At the question Zane took a moment, settling down his phone on the coffee table in front of him. "Are you recording this?" 

David nodded. 

"Okay, so if you wanna be a real friend, David, I want you," and Zane paused again, deciding whether or not he actually wanted to have his next words caught on video. After a few seconds he thought, 'fuck it', and continued, "I want you... to get Daisy Rhee to come to my apartment and surprise me."

There was a long pause as David zoomed in on Zane, an apprehensive but goofy grin on his face as he waited for the inevitable bark of laughter. 

It came one second later, and Zane only sat back in his seat and waited for David to finish before continuing. "You asked me what I wanted" he shrugged, face already burning with embarrassment as David continue to shriek with laughter. 

"Okay, but when I asked you what you wanted for your birthday, I thought you were gonna ask for something realistic, like a fucking pair of socks or something," David responded.

"A pair of socks? David, what am I? Some cheap ass bitch?" Zane questioned.

"Yes! Yes you are, though." David shouted.

"Okay, I know I am," Zane mumbled, letting out a chuckle, "But like, okay, I know it's stupid, and I know you won't actually do it, but you literally asked me like last week what it would be like to meet someone famous that you like really admire and I've had a crush on her for years and I just thought it'd be something worth putting out there." Zane shrugged. "Because I know you won't pull through for me, on my birthday, but it was worth a shot" he rolled his eyes, pretending to be salty about it. 

"Yeah, I don't know about that Zane, like I'd really love to meet Ariana Grande but we all can't be that lucky," David joked, still angling the camera towards him. 

"Listen, my birthday's coming up, you wanna surprise me, David? Get Daisy Rhee to show up in my apartment. How 'bout that?" Zane responded, still faking his sass. 

"I'll see what I can do." Was all David said, before turning back the camera to himself, shaking his head for the viewers but then quickly turning back to Zane, who looked at him with a straight face.

"I'm done with you," Zane sighed, before getting up out of his seat. 

David yelled, pretending to reach for him, before turning off the camera. 

"Okay, I think I got it, thanks Zane." David grinned, clapping his friend on the back before heading over to the kitchen to record a bit with Scott and Todd. 

"I can't believe I actually asked you to get Daisy Rhee to meet me," Zane laughed. "You'd never be able to do that."

"I know right," David scoffed, before walking off. 

But, the vlogger was always planning something, and in that short bit he had just gotten the clip he needed for his next big video. 

He was going to surprise Zane with exactly what he asked for on his birthday. 

At least now Zane would never be able to say that he never did anything nice for him. 

Plus, it was gonna make some damn good clickbait. 

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