03 | a surprise

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By the time they made it to David and Liza's friend's house the sun had already set, causing a dark purplish hue to wash over the streets as they pulled up on their drive way.

"So this is..." Daisy trailed off.

"My friends' house. Scott, Todd, and Jason." David confirmed, waiting for Daisy to nod before they all got out of the car.

"And they all know I'm coming, right?" Daisy asked, trying to get the whole situation in her head before continuing.

It was going to be a simple procedure, nothing too crazy. Everyone was going to gather around as David blindfolded Zane (shocker, right?) sitting him down on a chair in the middle of the living room. When Zane was all set up David was going to put a cardboard cutout of Daisy big enough for her to hide behind so that when they took the blindfold off, Zane would think it was another prank. But after a few moments, and a signal they both made up, David was going to kick the cutout to reveal the real Daisy and surprise Zane.

"Yeah, but most of them are here already so you're gonna have to meet them all, they'll probably just be a little starstruck and everything, but you'll be fine," David reassured her, earning a laugh from her and Liza.

"I'll be there too, just to protect you from them all," Liza joked.

"Oh, wow, thank you, baby," Daisy grinned.

She couldn't lie and say that she wasn't at least a little nervous. Being in the industry as long as she's been it would seem like she got the whole celebrity life down pat, but there was never any getting used to it, not really. She actually dreaded just meeting the big group of friends that David and Liza counted out for her as they knocked on the door.

Big groups weren't a big thing for her when she was standing on a stage, but when they were all gathered around and waiting to speak to her individually, the nerves would start to kick in. She just wanted to be treated like everyone else, but tonight, it looked like it wasn't going to go that way.

But once David had told her who she was surprising, she had been a little more eager to accept. She always told everyone that she wasn't much of a youtuber viewer, only watching the occasional oldtimer's like Zoella, or Nigahiga, but she had seen a few of Zane's videos when she first checked out David and Liza's videos, and she loved his sense of humor and the way he carried himself in the vlogs. He seemed like a genuinely nice and interesting person from the videos, and she was secretly glad that the surprise was going to be for him.

Plus, she thought he was kinda cute.

"Yoooo!" A man a little bit shorter in stature with a cap on greeted the three at the door. His eyes immediately landed on Daisy, and he did a little scream before calling everyone over.

And so it begun.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you're actually here," he grinned. "I'm Heath, Zane's best friend."

Daisy grinned, "its nice to meet you! I think I've seen you a few times in the videos," she hugged him, giving a little nervous laugh as everyone began to gather around.

"You actually watch our videos?" a pale, tall, man with platinum dyed hair asked from the kitchen door frame. Daisy recognized him to be Scott, and next to him was his girlfriend, Kristen, who stared at her with wide eyes, a smile on her face as she raised her hands to cover her gasp.

"Of course I do!" Daisy yelled back, earning a chorus of cheers from everyone.

One by one people had come up to greet her, each saying the usual exclamations of being fans, finding it so surreal that she was actually in front of them.

"Did you get a text from Zane yet?" David asked Heath when the excitement had atleast begun to simmer down.

"Yeah, actually when you guys came in he told me he was on his way," Heath replied, then immediately his and David's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, why didn't you say anything earlier?" David exclaimed, earning everyone's attention.

"I'm sorry! I got really excited that Daisy Rhee was here," Heath laughed.

"Heath, we have to hide her, Zane's gonna be here any minute!" David panicked, motioning for Daisy to follow him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't risk Zane finding you anywhere around the house, we're gonna have to put you in the basement," David apologized, leading Daisy down the stairs.

"It's fine," Daisy laughed, stepping down into the small space.

"It'll be really quick, we just need to wait until --"

"Zane's here!" Heath's voice rang from above.

"Til that," David laughed. "We'll just set everything up, then I'll come back to get you, okay?"

Daisy nodded, watching as David ran back up the stairs, closing the door behind him, leaving Daisy to do nothing but wait as he began to set Zane up for the video.


By the time they had come back to gather Daisy, Zane was already blindfolded and sat waiting in the living room. 

"I don't like this," he murmured, laughing nervously as he heard rustling around him. 

"It's not an animal or anything, I told you already!" David replied, laughing as Zane began to argue, accusing him of lying. 

As David reassured Zane he brought out the cutout of Daisy, setting it up a few feet in front of Zane before motioning for her to hide behind it. 

When he was sure all of her was hidden, David took his camera back from Liza and began his bit, "Okay, so I know I promised you something special for your birthday," he began.

Zane's smile faltered. "Oh, no way, shut up, David," he groaned, already knowing where he was going with this, "you didn't actually --"

"No! A promise is a promise, Zane, and I promised you Daisy Rhee. Take off your blindfold," he urged his friend, smiling in anticipation as Zane quickly snatched off his blindfold. 

His excited grin quickly fell as he sat face to face with the cardboard cutout. 

Daisy, unable to see Zane's reaction, could only stand in silence, making eye contact with Scott and Kristen since they stood behind the cutout, and laugh as quietly as she could at their amused expressions. 

"Fuck you, David" was all Zane said before the whole room erupted in laughter. 

Daisy turned around then, eager for David to pull the cutout. 

"Okay, I know, I'm sorry, that really wasn't nice," he apologized, "let me make it up to you."

And with that, David pulled the cutout, and Daisy held her breath as she smiled at the man in front of her. 

She could've laughed for hours with how wide his eyes grew. His jaw had dropped in shock, and Daisy knew that in that moment David was getting the thumbnail he needed; it was the perfect image. 

After what felt like an eternity of silence, all Zane could say was,

"No fucking way."

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