Chapter 1

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Dudley Dursley POV:

Dudley Dursley had always been his parents son through and through. Until the day of his daughter Ariel's 11th birthday. His daughter had been at the breakfast table when he came down. He kissed Ariel's head, wishing her a Happy Birthday before sitting down to his coffee and newspaper. He had been halfway through the sports section when his daughter ran into the kitchen, quite excited.

"Daddy! Daddy, I got a letter!" Ariel had screeched. He had gave a nonchalant response before returning to the riveting Football article.

"Daddy? What's Hogwarts?" Ariel had asked, peering curiously over top of her letter. Dudley has nearly dropped his coffee mug before visibly calming himself and reaching across the kitchen table for his daughter's letter. His face to pale as his eyes skimmed down the page.

"Dear Ms. Dursley,"  it read. "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await you owl by no later than 31 July. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Headmistress"

"Daddy? Are you alright, you seem awful pale." His daughters concern shook him out of his stupor.

"Ariel," he began. "How would you feel about a day trip into London for your birthday?" His daughter quickly agreed to the prospect before running upstairs to change out of her pyjamas.

"Bloody hell." was all Dudley could manage looking again at the letter.

*four hours later*

After spending the morning shopping with Ariel, they stopped at a Cafe for lunch where he casually broached the subject of popping in for a visit to her Uncle Harry.

"Uncle Harry? Is he that man who dropped by on my 5th birthday that Nana and Papa got really angry at?" Ariel giggled at the memory. Her Papa's purple face and her Nana's colourless pinched one had created a very stark contrast in her mind that set her off into another fit of giggles. Dudley chuckled at the memory. It had been rather fun to watch his parents struggle to know what to do with themselves, especially after Dudley had declared that he had wanted Harry to stay for tea.

"Yes that's him. So what do you say, should be stop by and see him? He lives near Hyde Park, we can go feed the ducks after, if you like." Dudley said, almost too casually but the 11 year old made no notice of his tone and readily agreed, as she loved feeding the ducks at Hyde Park.

Dudley took a deep breath before raising his right hand to the flat door, his left hand gripping the smaller one of his daughter. He was so busy looking at their intertwined hands that he hadn't heard the door open and was slightly startled by the sudden appearance of the shirtless blonde man.

"Can I help you?" the blonde drawled.

"No, I don't think so. It appears I have the wrong address. Sorry to bother you." Dudley responded, face heating slightly before he turned to walk away.

"Dray? Who was at the door?" A new voice asked, startlingly familiar. Turning back around, Dudley saw his cousin appearing from the depths of the flat, dressed in similar attire as strange blonde man. The strange man frowned, looking between Dudley and his cousin.

"Harry? Do you know him?" The blonde asked.

"Um yeah. This is my cousin Dudley and his daughter Ariel. Hi Ariel!" Harry responded, confusion clear on his face.

"Hi Uncle Harry!" Ariel chirped back at him, suddenly rushing forward to give her Uncle a hug. Looking slightly startled Harry hugged her back. As if just remembering that the others were there, he gestured between them,

"Dudley this is my finace Draco Malfoy. Dray, this is my cousin Dudley."

"How do you do?" Dudley responded pleasantly, sticking his hand out. Draco just stared at it. As if sensing the arising awkwardness, Harry invited them in for tea before excusing himself to go and find a shirt, leaving Draco alone with Dudley and Ariel. 

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