Chapter 11

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I woke still flustered from the night before, my body still hot and slightly glazed with sweat as humid air wafted through my bed side window.

I gathered my untameable hair and tied it into a small bun on top of my head, reminiscing the events of last night

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I gathered my untameable hair and tied it into a small bun on top of my head, reminiscing the events of last night.

For me it was rather out of character to do such a sexual thing, for prince you could probably say otherwise. The excitement it brought was foreign to me, feeling some what scandalous. His words trailed over my mind " if only I could hold you right now" I could only dream of waking up to prince still asleep cradling me, keeping the memories of the night before alive.

I decided a good long shower would be needed this morning to clear my thoughts before going to meet Shelly at the mall. As much as I wasn't really one for shopping we hadn't met up in a while, meaning she was going to quiz me on mine and princes relationship. Quite frankly the relationship we have was not as riveting as she would think, we are just two teenagers learning what love is. Well i was, I didn't even know if prince had ever been in love before.

I left the house fresh faced and ready for a good gossip with Shelly. She always knew everything about everyone, making our days out more entertaining. I arrived at the mall after the small bus journey and made my way over to a secluded coffee shop were we always met. I sat comfortable in a small booth, studying the customers that came and left as I waited. Each person seemed busy with their lives, may it be a pit stop or a destination for the day.

I peered through the window beside me clocking each group or individual that passed, a familiar figure caught my eye as I slowly explored their features.

 I peered through the window beside me clocking each group or individual that passed, a familiar figure caught my eye as I slowly explored their features

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