No More Us Anymore

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I ever asked myself about how it feels about being forgotten?
My brain said "his life will never forgiven. Dont be so stupid. Just leave him and find a new one. You deserve better".
But my heart said "i cant imagine my life without him. it feels like empty (inside out). i cant forget our memories. i cant. sorry"

Aku berusaha mulai memahami. Memahami tentang kita yang tidak pernah bisa memahami satu sama lain.

Aku selalu berusaha memahami, ketika kau masih bisa bertanya "how was your day?" setelah apa yang telah terjadi.
Yang bahkan aku tak akan pernah sanggup untuk menjawab. Sekata pun.
I mean is it a question? 

I dont trying to blame you. No.
I just make sure you're okay. as always.
Make sure that ur face is full of smile everytime even with someone else.
I know it hurts. its pretty hurt for me. But that's the point of loving someone.
We cant make someone happy forever. Kita tidak pernah bisa memaksakan bahwa orang itu akan bisa bahagia bersama kita selamanya meskipun kita yakin kita bisa hidup bersama selamanya.
Sometimes they just leave us for another happiness. And look happier.
But we dont need to be sad. At least, we tried our best for him even just a part of their story.

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