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4th years- THOR
5th years- BRUCE,TONY
6th years- STEVE

SLYTHERIN- Natasha,Loki

MUDBLOOD- Bruce,Clint,Tasha

Steve was not really looking forward to this year. This was the year that he would have to do really well in. Which meant less time for his boyfriend.

Steve and Tony had been going out for a year,when Tony had gotten the guts to ask him out.
Thor was excited for another year at Hogwarts, whilst his brother Loki wasn't. Loki loved to read, and practice his magic. He wasn't outgoing and sociable like his brother.

Thor slapped Loki on the back,"Another year, brother. Aren't you excited?" Loki rubbed the spot Thor had hit,"Not really,Thor. And stop hitting me so hard. Also,we're not brothers."
Natasha was excited for another year. She hoped she would finally get together with Clint. She'd liked him since 1st year and hoped that he liked her too.
Tony and his best friend Bruce were unpacking their stuff in their room. Both of them are in Ravenclaw,along with their friend Vision,and Stephen Strange.

"Hey Bruce,Imma go find Steve. You good here?" Bruce nodded,"Yeah,Tony. I'm good." Tony smiled and left to find his boyfriend,who was a Gryffindor.
Bruce finished unpacking and went to find his friend Clint,a Hufflepuff. He found him talking to Tasha. She was blushing,and it looked like he was flirting.

He decided to go look for Thor instead. He found him in the dining hall,eating. Of course. All the first years were waiting to be sorted.

He remembered when he was sorted. He was almost put into Hufflepuff but ended up in Ravenclaw,much to his delight.

One by one,the first years were called up to the Sorting Hat. One boy,Peter Parker,took a bit longer than the rest. The Sorting Hat considered putting him in Hufflepuff,but ultimately decided to put him in Ravenclaw.

Peter was beaming as he made his way to the Ravenclaw table. Bruce motioned for him to sit with him and his Ravenclaw friends. Stephen Strange,Tony,and John (whom they called Vision for some reason).

Peter was glad that he was already making new friends. Bruce Banner,Stephen Strange,Vision,and Tony Stark.

After lunch,everyone went up to their house dormitories. The first years got a tour of the Ravenclaw dormitories/common room. It. Was. Awesome. According to Peter.

Peter's dorm buddies were Bruce,Stephen,Tony,and Vision. In the dormitory next door was a guy named Sherlock Holmes,a guy named Castiel Novak,and a guy named Sam Winchester.
Clint was the only one in his friend group that was in Hufflepuff. His crush was in Slytherin. The weird brothers were in Gryffindor and Slytherin. The 'Science Bros' in Ravenclaw. And the group captain in Gryffindor. It kinda sucked,but oh well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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