Chapter 9 - ハンター 試験 | パート6

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Last time...

This could only mean one thing –to cold-heartedly kill two men.

This would explain a lot: Illumi's presence, the resemblance between his aura and the one I saw years ago, when I lived in the estate, the rhythm echo technique I witnessed, ...

Every piece of the puzzle came back in place, and I wondered if he was a friend or an enemy. If he was an enemy, I would have to kill him before he became a threat, as I know he has a lot of potential.

I decided to leave him be, for now...

N. E. N. POV

I entered the main dormitory, where many applicants were sleeping soundly. I noticed Killua there, eying suspiciously everyone around him. His nerves were raw, and he was tensed up by the game he played with Netero. Though he couldn't notice me, he did feel like someone was watching him, which made him even more agitated.

I left the room, not wanting him to kill everyone, and casually walked back to the training room, taking a pause at the empty kitchen. The chefs were done for the night, as all of the required food was displayed at the cafeteria. Of course I wasn't going to eat any of that.

The room was cold and dark, not like it was a problem for me. The door was also locked, but not for me of course. I... did a small trickery of hand. It was about ten in the afternoon at this point, so I had about six hours until the chefs would come prepare the breakfast. All the time I need to make myself and Netero a meal. And if I have the time, I might even make one for the examiners. I'll put a letter at the name of.... John. ((Name from my other story. I'm still sorry John.))

For myself, I will just need some food for the challenges we will encounter in the next phases. Something dry, easily consumables, and consistant. Nut cookies and some dry meat should be good.

Why I need for if I claim to be so powerful? Well, human bodies are weak...

I started to prepare the cookie paste, making the dry pork while the biscuits cooked. I ended up with a pretty good amount of rations, enough to last for about twelve days. I chained the cooking with a strawberry pie, for the examiners. Once again, while it cooked, I prepared another dish. This time, it was butterscotch-cinnamon cookies, which are Netero's favourite. I'd never forget the face he made when he smelled them after I just cooked them for the first time...


I have learned to cook at a really young age, as it was a necessity when we live with a useless old man. Of course, I don't really think of Yuki as that, though it was one of the many nicknames I used on him. Another time I had needed to use my cooking skills was while I was in the Zoldyck estate, as they sometimes wouldn't feed me for a month and tell me to cook for myself or starve to death. I chose the first option, and I hope you understand why...

Now, the ten years old I am, I am baking butterscotch-cinnamon cookies, as those have always been my favourite. Where's Netero, you might ask? He has challenged me to find a way to catch him within a week. We're at the fifth day, and I decided to wait until the last minute until I try the game out. I don't really care about it, but it is a challenge I want to win against that annoying old man.

So, as I'm procrastinating, I decided to make theses cookies. The more they cooked, the better the kitchen smelled. A soft 'ding!' called me, letting me know the pastries were ready. I put them out of the oven and waited for them to cool down.

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