Chapter 21 - ハンター 試験 | パート18 | ちま ひ:よん

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Last time...
Kotono sighed, looking at what remained. Three tags worth three points, and one tag worth one point.
Was this phase as easy as I thought it would be? It is the fifth day already after all...

Kotono POV:

Hopefully, this day would be better. Indeed, yesterday, we lost two tags to a man. Why did I simply give them away without fighting? Because I could feel he was strong: his aura was intimidating and gave off vibes of strength. We didn't stand a chance against him.

In the end, we managed to sleep without anything happening. In the morning mist, we left for the center of the island, where we hoped to find more people. We do need two tags now after all.

Concentrating on the view of our surroundings to try to find someone, anyone, I didn't hear my sister approaching me. When she tugged my sleeve, making me jump slightly at the sudden movement.

"Yes, Hiroe?" I asked, still paying attention to the forest surrounding us. Since I couldn't see anything though, I tried to instead listen carefully for any footsteps, broken branches and so on.

"What do we call an alligator in a vest?" She asked, smirking. Oh no, not another joke...

"What..." I asked, not excited one bit for this.

"An in-vest-igator!" She made gun hands, just like she always does whenever she says a joke.

I smiled lightly, not wanting to insult her ego either, and then turned back to the task I had on my hands. We needed to find someone, and fast: it's the sixth day and time is going fast. If we don't get the tags we need, we're out.

"HIROE GET DOWN!" I jumped on my sister, making her fall down like I wanted her to. We had barely dodged an arrow. It had been close, too close: I barely had the time to hear the string of the bow being pulled and to jump on Hiroe. If I hadn't tackled my sister in time... we wouldn't have been out, we'd be dead.

I looked at the area the arrow came from, looking at the shadow lurking high in the tree. I glared at it, silently swearing at it for almost murdering my sister. There was no way I could reach it from here, and I was in a vulnerable position.

"Hiroe, can you stand up?" I asked her, my gaze not looking away from the person.

"Yeah." She answered weakly, standing on her feet slowly from the sound of it.

"Good. Then run," I ordered, "Take the bag, go North, that's where we came from, and wait for me at the pretty tree you pointed out. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes! Though if you're not there before the sun reaches the top of the tree, I'm going to look for you!" My sister told me, determined.

Quickly glancing at the sky, I saw it was about midday. I quickly readjusted my gaze to my opponent, not wishing to let them go away. There was no way I was going to let them go, not for as long as they were a threat.

"Deal," I replied, knowing I'd be back by then. I carefully placed the bag down and pushed it with my foot towards Hiroe's figure.

I heard Hiroe hastily taking it and shuffling away from the scene, reluctant but knowing it would be less dangerous for me to be alone while facing an archer. All of the sudden, a second arrow pierced the air, aiming straight for my face.

My stomach sank with dread, but I quickly overcame the unpleasant feeling by moving to the right. I wouldn't let this person win. I'd make them bite the dust, for Hiroe!

Now, to beat this person, I'd need to use a strategy. Sure, I could make them use their arrows, but who knows how long it will take? Plus, they'll probably go away when their quiver would be empty. I could also try to get to them, but how? They're on a tree, and I do not have the best climbing skills. Also, I'll be defenceless against attacks.

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