Tales of a God

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"Mana! What's the situation on the second brigade Strike Team!?"

"Not much on that regard I'm afraid. Hold on, I'll take care of it."

"Urrrghhhh.." Pumkin dimly opened her eyes.. voices hammering against her ears.

She was on a stretcher of some sort within a crumbling building... a few of what looked like nurses in operating masks were sewing up some wounds on her body, and wrapping a few bandages around her arm.

"H-hey.." Pumkin stammered. "Wh-who?"

"Easy." said one Nurse. "You're hurt pretty bad, you and your friends..

Pumkin groaned and looked at her clothes. "Aw.. come on.. I just washed these.."

"There's an artificial fabric maker in the next room, you can make some new clothes later." said the Nurse. "Now.. let's sit you up.. here.. Mana said this would work.."

As the doctors helped Pumkin sit up, they gave her a Senzu Bean.

Pumkin immediately felt strength surge through her body, and her wounds slowly began to close up.. though her bones still felt rattled.

"whew.." Pumkin said, flexing her arms  and sighing. "Well.. that could've gone better.."

Pumkin blinked and noticed that many of the people in the room with her, were in military helmets, with guns and coats, all of them giving her nervous glances.

"I suppose I look too much like Black for comfort huh?" said Pumkin.

"Don't worry, they are nervous yes, but they are aware of the situation." said the Nurse. "Commander Mana is up front with your friends.. you can join her after you get some new clothes."

"Commander?" said Pumkin. "Jeez. Wow.."

Pumkin walked over to the next room to find a strange machine with pumping out smoke rings and crackling like a generator.. and next to it.. was a new set of clothes. A black breast band with metal buttons and the Fairy Tail guild mark on it.. black leather arm braces,  a black set of baggy martial arts pants with metal studs near the waist, and a black metal studded choker with a heart in the middle.

"Thought this would be more your style.. you always liked the punk stuff.." said Mana, walking into the room. "And you always looked better in black than Black.. er..no pun intended."

"She looks exactly like me." said Pumkin, picking up the clothes in her arms. "How can I look better than her? And.. mind turning around while I change?"

"Honestly Pumkin, we used to take baths together when we were small, and we went to the hotsprings tons of times when we were older after we were done training." said Mana. "Honestly I've seen everything."

"Yeah, cept I actually have boobs now if you can believe it." said Pumkin. "Turn AROUND."

Mana frowned, it was pretty obvious that Pumkin still mistrusted her plenty.. 

She turned around as Pumkin started changing clothes. 

"Listen.." said Mana. "About what happened back there."

"No need.." said Pumkin. "As much as you wronged me in the past, you never deserved to die."

Pumkin finally finished putting on her clothes, and she tapped the toe of her leather boots against the ground, testing them. "Hmm.. not bad.. these are pretty good.."

"Durable too.. this type of fiber was made to absorb magical attacks, before magic left this place anyways..." said Mana. 

Pumkin sighed. "Yeah.. thanks Mana... but.."

Fairy Tail Super. Book 2: Black MirrorWhere stories live. Discover now