Channel 98.31 News
(Sponsored by the Heaven's gate company, bringing world peace and a much better future with new, innovative technology)This is Jill K reporting at the scene. We are here live on the scene in downtown (data erased) as you can tell from the helicopter footage, it would seem that just a few minutes ago, there seemed to be small earthquake happening and the epicenter was in the city.
Moments later these two un identified large appendage like figures came out of the ground, one of them simply a large dark snake like thing coming out of the ground with a large red human eyeball, the other the same but a clawed human-like hand at the end.
What most brings chills down our spine right now is that people aren't running away.
They are all calmly going towards the two appendages, which seem rooted in place, this is just horrifying.
They are all letting themselves be grabbed by the hand, and dragged down into the hole where those two came from.
I don't understand, I just don't understand why?
What the?
Why are we landing here?
What's wrong with you? Why aren't listening to me?!
(Helicopter lands on street, thousands of people walk past, blank faced into the two creatures.)
(Camara is seen dropped by reporter as she attempts to stop the pilot from going outside.)
We have to get out of here! What are you doing?!
(Slight static)
(Reporter goes back to grab camera.)My name is Jill Kahan, I-i am a work for channel 98.31 news and..and.
(Reporter can be seen in despair)
I don't know what to do
(Turns camera outside of helicopter to show everyone walking towards the two creatures and being grabbed, camera glitches whenever facing creatures directly and goes back to normal when facing away, turns camera back to self.)
I hear this..horrible's getting into my head..I'm remembering that time I..I did something bad..
(The red eye looks through the window, camera and sound completely glitched, distorted screaming can be heard, distorted pixels slightly go back to normal, splashes of red liquid can be seen as a figure forcibly dragged out of the helicopter)(Cuts back to headquarters) seems like we..we've lost her to those uh..
(Everyone is in silence)
-------------------------------Mission report:
Month: July
Day: 22
Year: (data erased)We retrieved the video of the news report for analysis to be done by group A.
They have concluded that whatever it was, the creature has some sort of telekinetic powers.
That eye was sending out a high frequency signal that completely took over the minds of thousands and made them walk right into the two creatures.
A psychological attack.
However, the way the creatures look is nothing like the tracks it left behind.
First of all, there was only one of them to our knowledge.
And two, the claw marks on the ground from the initial discover of the death of group B showed it had feet, two of them.
Here it only has one appendage and it resembles a human, not an animal like the tracks.
Rewatching the footage revealed the "creatures" were actually conjoined at the bottom where the hole was, where you could only see through the air portion of the video.
This could mean the that we saw was not full length creature itself, but only a a portion of it.
Troops dispatching soon to capture the creature dead or alive, however precautions will have to be taken because of its unknown usage of psychological attacks.
Fiksi IlmiahHumans have no known predators, this is thanks to their evolved minds that can adapt to anything leading to the success of humanity. Human intelligence was the reason for success, but also their eventual downfall. A meteor falls from the heavens...