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Awkwardness is very, very natural. It just comes with being a human. There's no way to fully avoid it, but hey, try and make it as little as possible, right? I have had many, many, experiences with awkwardness and it is not fun. So, this is my personal experience with getting over it.

A lot of awkwardness comes from an awkward silence. Meaning, when there is an awkward silence, it's probably with someone you are uncomfortable with. My tactic is to avoid confronting them without someone I'm comfortable with, consider it 'backup'. If it's not because of the person, its probably something you or the other said. Either way- the point is it's awkward. I can't give to much advice on this as it isn't really specific, but I'd try and make as good as a recovery as possible- joking along, laughing at your awkwardness, anything that helps you.

If its not an awkward silence, it's probably something embarrassing you did in public. My advice would to play it off as if it didn't happen. Most people there will either laugh it off and forget about it in five minutes or just pretend it didn't happen. It happens to everyone, yes, everyone. It's better not to dwell on it, trust me.

Sometimes, awkwardness is just your imagination. Maybe you're meeting someone new and you just aren't saying the right things. You wanna make an impression, right? Well- this one is basically a get out of jail free card. People are always nervous when they meet someone new. So its understandable. The next time you meet, though, if you're still awkward, then it'll be expected of you. So at least you don't have to live up to expectations.

The moral is: Don't dwell on it.

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