Voi Che Sapete

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A/N hello fellow Wattpaders! I'm a bit new on here, so I don't have many votes/fans/comments/anything else. I'd love it if you commented on what you like  and didn't like. Don't read if you're squeamish about a bit o' blood ;D i'd love to be friends!! Cover thanks to TwiggXstock on Deviant Art.

After the last mission Hanna had been on, she was tired. In her 'room' of sorts, she plugged her headphones in. In her room she was allowed to have such conveniences. She was allowed on the Internet for thirty minutes once a week to pick out music.

Hanna listened to the new music of today, but found it foul, distasteful, and repetitive. She much preferred classical music. The sound of Beethoven and Bach filled her headphones with amazing sound quality. She didn't enjoy the lighter works of Beethoven, the ones were every instrument is bouncy and sounds very light, she enjoyed the more operatic noises. The serious ones were the best.

Her room was the place in which she lived. She was sent on missions occasionally, and for the rest of the time she resided in this room. It was a room made of rock. The walls were gray with the craggy stone. Harley sort of enjoyed the feel of it. Of course, she didn't exactly have a choice about how her walls looked. 

In her room was a futon bed. Any decoration in the room was of the oriental style, and she had picked that out. Things to do included many books, jigsaw puzzles, target ranges, and a TV.

Hanna had tried to watch a TV before, but had not enjoyed it. The people all had unreal faces, the noises were all fake. Not to mention the story lines of such popular shows were completely see through.  No, what made her days up was listening to the swirling, leaping, sorrowful tones of the best orchestras in the world. 

The target range was at the other end of the room. This room of hers was long enough to have one. Hanna had a large array of guns to choose from for this range. There were the MP5Ks, a machine gun that Hanna much preferred to the Uzis. The M500 Persuaders she had were OK, but not her favorites. They were much too heavy and hard to conceal. Although, it was a brutal weapon. When you shot it close range at a body, said body would be split in half.

She also had a 19 Glock, standard for women in the police business. Harley was not with the police, but the Glock was a good weapon, if a bit noisy. She needed the silencer for covert missions.

Ever since she could remember, her life had been entwined with such weapons. She could list off all the guns in the world by serial number, and tell you how fast they shot, at what range they worked best, what sort of gun was best for what sort of operation. She could take apart and reconfigure guns with her eyes closed. Any guns. The harsh metal was the entirety of her life, it sometimes seemed. 

But not all missions were appropriate for guns. When she was so small she couldn't remember, Hanna had been taught how to fight. She knew how to street-fight. Brawling was practically a second nature. Hanna preferred the more artful type of fight, though.

Although there were many silly suppositions about Oriental fighting, it was the most graceful sort of fight. It was like dancing a tune only you could hear when you fought a good fight in the oriental style. Dancing back and forth, contact was hard to make, but when it happened, it was strong. One or two hits in such a fight could take your opponent out. Not to mention, such fighting fit in perfectly with classical music.

From Hanna's experience with the outside 'normal' world and the TV world, she assumed that she was very different. Outside of her life were apparently such relationships as 'father' and 'mother'. Hanna knew this title meant that you had been the person to give birth to your 'daughter' or 'son'. As far as Hanna knew, she was not any of these titles, nor had she anyone to give these titles to.

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