🔪Phychophatic Child🔪

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((Picture above is not mine,
credits to original artist!))

Name: Isane Yaroist
"Hola amigo~! Aha~"

Age: 17

Gender: Male
"I should identify as a male,right? :D"

Sexuality: (currently) Asexual

Species: Demon/Human

Personality: Well..mostly "insane". His personality is often confusing as he can be way too cheerful or gloomy at times. He is described as sadistic by almost everyone he meets. He is quite confused by the concepts of "Love" as he is often too "weird" to have any friends. He is also somewhat of a yandere as he clings to whoever he earns a crush on,

Looks: He has light hazel-nut coloured hair, beige skin and Dark pinkish eyes. He has a height of 5'3. He often wears an over-sized black hoodie with a lot of designs and dark blue-ish pyjamas. He also wears a mask with a smiley mouth drawn onto it for fun.

 He also wears a mask with a smiley mouth drawn onto it for fun

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(Art by me)

Likes: acting like a little kid, candies, creeping out strangers, playing with drinking straws, scaring others, the orphanage, razors, stories,
having some "alone time", people actually liking him.

Position: Seke
"What's that? Please explain.."

-His real name is "Josh"
-He has a pet bunny named "Concin" who often hides under his bed.

-Isane was left in an orphanage when he was at the age of one. He enjoyed being different from everyone else at first but it started to get really lonely.
That's until he met his friend "Asira" who has a similar psychopathic side to him, giving Josh the name "Isane". While Asira has the capability to act mature, Isane acts like a five year old, always questioning the ideas of others.

(Preferably Uke) Scenario 1:
You had recently been taken into an orphanage, Isane being the very first child to greet you once you arrived.
"Yay! We're gonna be best friends, okay Y/N?" The weird child said, not really sounding like it was a question at all. The rest of the day he's been following you and trying to gain a better understanding on you. It maybe a bit creepy but you still find his personality towards you somehow "sweet" and gain a bit of a crush on him, overtime. "Hey Y/N.." He called out quietly as both of you sat on your own beds which happened to be next to each-other.


(Preferably Seme) Scenario 2:
You had decided to work for the orphanage in order to take care of children. The kid they called "Isane" seemed to get way too clingy to you most of the time but you didn't mind it. He introduced you to his pet bunny after awhile and the both of you started to get so close that he'd become bored every-time you were out of his sight.


(Make your own scenario?)

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