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"I can't breathe." I pant. "Seriously. What have you done to me?"

Lottie rolls her eyes. "Stop exaggerating,"

"I know, after all that sex with Styles, Surely you should be in top condition?" Tilly smirks.

I give her a look as we slow down our pace and enter a leisurely walk. We had all agreed to a running session and catch up. But it had been so long since I had run I felt my chest tightening and my legs shake.

"I haven't run in a couple of months,"

"Because you're too occupied." Lottie poked my side.

Squirming away from her I push slightly. "Shut up,"

"How are you two though?" Tilly asks.

"Great, it's just so.. relaxed with him."

"What's he doing today?"

"Dunkirk promo, he's doing it all day so I won't see him until tomorrow, he only has a morning session tomorrow."

"Is it hard?" Lottie asks, I felt the both of them watching me as we walked.

"I wouldn't say hard, no. Just different. If it was hard there wouldn't be any point. It's just a little different to what everyone else probably goes through when in a relationship, but definitely not hard."

"I guess it's just the norm for him now,"

I shrug. "I wouldn't say that. We're both figuring it out together. He's used to women in the same line of work, not someone who works in a shop nine to five,"

We all stop at a coffee shop to get drinks to go.

"I'd marry like.. Olly Alexander," Tilly day dreams.

"He's gay babe," Lottie smirks sipping her latte.

"Is he?! I thought he was bi." Tilly pouts.

"Either way he has a boyfriend."

Tilly continues to pout into her drink. As we wait to cross the road a bus passes us, on the side a huge Dunkirk promo advert.

"Hey, it's the film your boyfriends in." Lottie points making me laugh.

I take my phone from my pocket and snap a quick photo. It was kind of surreal seeing it, the man I'm in a relationship with is in some huge Hollywood blockbuster that's currently on the side of a bus.

"I'm so proud of him,"

"Did you ever ask him about that girl, what was it?"

"Tess Ward," I answer Tilly. "And yes, he said they dated but nothing serious, he said they weren't properly together,"

"Oh right,"

"Oh my god you're Ruby.. your Harry styles' girlfriend!" Two excitable teens were almost jumping for joy at the sight of sweaty, dishevelled me.

"Um, hi.." I noticed one girl had her phone held up in my face the entire time.

"Could we get a photo with you?!"

I look to Lottie and Tilly who both smirk at each other. Big help. Thanks guys.

"Sorry, I'm not in the best state to take photos if I'm honest.. kind of in a break from running.." I explain politely. I honestly looked a mess.

"Just one? Please? We just want one photo,"

I shake my head again. "Sorry, I wouldn't like to, not today."

To Be Loved // h.sWhere stories live. Discover now