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A/N: To save the confusion, Ruby's best friend Lottie is NOT Lottie Tomlinson.

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"Babe," I was so happy when Harry answered after the second ring.

"Hi, babe I can't-"

"I've had two people call me interested in hiring me." I rush.


"They want me to design for them, how cool is that?!" I just about squeal.

"I can't talk."

I could tell by his voice he was in the middle of something. "Oh.. right shit sorry you have meetings don't you?"


I swallow. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, speak later, bye."

I knew he was with important people but I hated when I felt like I was being brushed off. Surely those people had partners and families, surely they wouldn't mind if he quietly said I love you to someone.

I shook it off and call Tilly then Lottie to inform them of the great news, both of them wanted to celebrate and go out later but I declined. Harry was starting tour soon and I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before he goes.


I filled Harry in once he was home although I felt like he was only half listening as he rifled through his wardrobe. I sat on his bed holding a pillow watching him get ready again.

"Are you going out?"

"I have that launch thing for that clothes designer, remember?"

I sit quietly. "Oh,"

He looked out from his wardrobe. "What?"

"I said no to the girls tonight because I thought we could celebrate together,"

"Sorry babe, I have mentioned it I'm sure."

I don't remember..

"Right," I look down at the pillow, playing with the loose thread.

"Come with me." He frowns. "It's nothing big, no major press or anything."

"I have nothing to wear." I shake my head.

He rolls his eyes kissing me. "You look great in everything. Please?"

I nod eventually. "Fine,"


I felt uncomfortable, but Harry's hand on my back gave me some comfort. All I wanted to do was spend the night with him, under the blankets, watching movies. But instead, I'm here, so I just have to suck it up and smile. There were people that I recognised from tv and magazines, it was quite surreal to see them in person. It was also quite surreal to see people come up to Harry and talk to him like they've known him for ages, some people I could tell were faking it completely.

We were stood talking, well Harry was talking to some designer I had never heard of before. "Have you ever considered modelling?" Amy, who I had quickly become acquainted with asked, Harry had introduced me to her, he apparently knew her from his early One Direction days.

"No," I smile shyly.

"You should, I think you're perfect for it."

I shake my head. "I don't think I'm cut out for it."

Amy frowns. "Your face screams highstreet."

I thought my face screamed boredom.

"Agencies would lap up your image." She continues. "Here's my card, are you free Monday?"

Seeing as I'm unemployed I'm free everyday.


"Come to the offices on the back of my card for 1pm, we can do some test shoots. Just to see how it goes, how you feel."

"Sure.." I read the card as she walks away, feeling Harry beside me.

"What was that about?" He asks, kissing my cheek.

I smile up at him. "I've got a test shoot for her agency on Monday."

"That's great baby," He kisses me. "Modelling?"

I shrug. "She thinks my face screams highstreet." I exaggerate making him laugh.

"I thought it just screamed gorgeous, but.. what do I know."

I roll my eyes. "Shut up,"

He laughs. "Sorry that I dragged you here tonight."

"I don't mind, we're still spending time together I guess."

"I know you were a little disappointed." He kisses me. "And for that I'm sorry,"

"It is what it is, isn't it?" I smile wanting to forget about it. "Let's go get a refill, I'm thirsty." I pinch his bum subtly and he laughs following me to the bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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