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As promised, Harry let me know when he was at the airport, when he landed and when he got to his hotel. We FaceTimed before bed and I felt a lot more settled.

Even though I don't like him being away, I felt each time he did go away it was a little easier to deal with. It was just getting used to it.

I had quite a long day at work, Jack had sold more watches and had thoroughly impressed me. Accessories, jewellery and makeup department had all arranged a meet up and drink but I had declined the invitation so I could FaceTime Harry. Jack had called me boring but I shrugged it off, Harry is far more important than a vodka shot.

I got back to Harry's around 6:30pm, my phone had died on the journey back so I quickly plugged it into charge and changed into some comfy clothes.

When my phone came back to life, I was inundated with texts from Lottie.

L: wtf Ruby

L: where are you???

L: please answer me

L: Ruby call me

L: Ruby please as soon as you can call me

L: don't speak with anyone else just call me

L: Ruby

L: are you okay? Have you read anything?

Instantly feeling sick I ring Lottie.

"Hello," She lets out an exasperated breath.

"Hi, where's the fire? I literally got about thirty texts from you."

"There's photos, and some article going round of Harry."

Stopping dead in my tracks I listen closely. "Right.."

"He went to brunch with some girl called Camille Rowe?"

Gasping, I instantly felt sick. "No,"

"I don't think it's anything at all to worry about, it's literally just photos of them talking."

I couldn't say anything. I felt nauseous.

"Don't read anything Ruby. Please don't. Just speak to Harry."

"He said he didn't know her," I whisper trying to make sense of it.

"What?" I could tell she didn't hear what I said.

"I've got to go," I sniffle.

"Don't cry, please don't cry Ruby I don't think it's anything at all people are blowing it out of proportion. He's not stupid, he loves you."

"Yeah," I swallow. "He loves me," I think.

I felt pretty deflated after the phonecall with Lottie. I didn't know what to believe and I couldn't help but look online. There was article after article about them going for lunch. Next to them a photo of Harry and I, the burning question of What Happened To Ruby Tanner, The Selfridges Employee?

I felt humiliated, I felt how I felt when he was asked about her on the radio, but now he's increased the humiliation. Now he's taken that to a whole new level. This wasn't something I could let slip easily, this was hurting my pride. The fact he said he didn't know her, the fact he didn't deny any attraction has only made it look like a lie.

Was he lying?

What if he comes home and dumps me for her? What if this is why he went to New York?

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