Part 3. One Does Not Simply Become a Good Father

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Giorno looked at Dio, "Where are we going?"

"You'll find out later."

Dio found it amusing that Diavolo, the boss of the cruel mafia, was raising a child. It was even funny because the Don asked him for a piece of advice in private. From his voice, Diavolo swallowed his pride just to request that favour. Dio did not mind it, because it just meant Diavolo owed him something.

Mafia hideout was a maze but found out Diavolo personal house was worse. It was located in a remote place, in the middle of nowhere. The house was far away from the city, near the end of the border. Only people with a car could gain access to the place.

As expected of a paranoia mafia boss.

After getting lost for two hours, Dio found the right place. He did not notice it because the street to his house was hidden by a block of big rocks. It was surrounded by a tall wall. The gate opened automatically after he was identified as Dio Brando. That lawyer drove his car to the spacious garden surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers. On his way, Giorno saw guard dogs growled at him. If this place was not a house, it made a good place for a prison with a ridiculous security system.

Dio parked his car right in front of the house and got out. The house looked like it came out from a picture book. It reminded him of an Italian house in Naples. The wall made from stucco and stone exterior, the windows and doors were arched and the roofs were low pitched. The entryway to the house was classy and the hanging plant brought the charm of the house.

If Dio's house was a mansion, Diavolo's house was a damn villa.

He pushed the bell and knocked on the front door. After several minutes, someone finally opened the door.

"Erm.... Excuse me. Are you Dio Brando?"

Doppio appeared from the house. He knew Dio from the boss description. Giorno suddenly felt chills stabbed his back. He grabbed Dio's arm out of instinct and hid behind him. As a sensitive and sensible boy, Giorno knew there was something wrong with Doppio.

"Please follow me. Boss is waiting at his office."

They walked from the entrance into a long hallway. The house was nowhere as big as his mansion, but it was well decorated. Dio recognized some intriguing paintings along the way. There was Starry Night Over the Rhone, American Gothic, La Moulin de la Galette, Composition 8 and other look-alike works. He was not sure whether the paint was fake or not. It was a perfect replica that Diavolo probably used to scam people.

They arrived at the office. Doppio opened the door and let them in. It was a small room with a desk, a chair, a leather sofa and filled with bookshelves. There was a globe on the top of the desk and an international map with some red marks on the wall. The office itself connected to the backyard. Dio could see a little girl around Giorno age sat on the patio. He guessed she was the source of Diavolo's problem.

"You took your sweet time out there."

Dio and Giorno almost jumped. Diavolo appeared out of nowhere. As usual, The Don Mafia had an impressive presence. He was oppressive, sharp and cold.

The atmosphere between them was heavy. It was poison versus poison, nuclear versus nuclear and time control versus time control. Both had mass destruction secrets under their sleeves to destroy the country in single snaps. Despite able to kill one another, they respected each other more. After all, it would be better to have Dio or Diavolo as your acquaintance than your enemy.

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