Part 5. Wow, Much Silence, Such Awkward, So Unsure, Very Confusing

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It was a peaceful Sunday morning.

Diavolo woke up with a hangover. He regretted drinking that bottle in a night.

Having a child made him drinking twice as much as usual. Many things got on his nerve lately. Doppio hid something from him. Diavolo did now what it was, but it gave him an awful feeling. That boy constant advice about Trish became annoying to the level Diavolo did not talk to him. The news about his daughter also raised new problems. His subordinate bombarded him with questions about the truth of adopting a kid out of nowhere. Meanwhile, his enemy followed him around to dig for more information about Trish. They wanted to use her as an advantage against him.

His headache was reduced by a lovely melody in the morning. Ave Maria filled the air. The last time Diavolo woke up to a song was during his dating time with Donatella. She would sing something nice after leaving the bed or preparing breakfast. He enjoyed listening to her voice. It was a small soothing blessing after a bloody hellish job in the night.

He tried to find proper clothes to wear after he stood up from the bed (Diavolo slept shirtless). After finding a white t-shirt, he went downstairs to have breakfast. He found Trish sang with joy while reaching for the milk box on the fridge. She carried on with her singing until she saw Diavolo stood at the kitchen entrance.

Trish almost dropped her bowl of cereal.

"What's wrong? You can continue."

"No-no. I'm good!"

Diavolo walked closer. Trish flinched and backed up slowly. When he reached out to touch her, she turned her head away and closed her eyes in fear. Trish was afraid of him. She did not recover from the traumatic childhood event. In her eyes, Diavolo was still a monster. He understood her reaction and moved back from her.

Dio was right. He did not know shit about parenting. Pointing a gun at your daughter was a huge setback. It was a mistake he could never get straight.

All of the thinking starved him. Diavolo raided the fridge for something to eat. Lucky for him, Doppio had a sandwich left inside. Diavolo took the food then sat across Trish. She sat down and busy munched her breakfast.



There was nothing but awkward silence between them.

Trish took a glance at Diavolo while eating her cereal. Her father being nice to her was suspicious. He filled her pocket with money. He bought her a smartphone and set the fastest internet to cure her boredom. He gave her a lot of new fancy clothes and filled the fridge with her favourite treats. She wondered about Diavolo changed of attitude, and that man guessed her mind.

"If you have something on your mind, just say it."

Trish was reluctant but decided to test the water, "Why do you send me to school?"

He smirked at her, "I want to lock you up at home for safety, but you do not like it. I just enrol you on school. At least you will be busy for six hours with guards, and I do not need to see your miserable face."

"Screw you."

"That attitude is what I was talking about. Anything else?"

She was quiet for a second. Her heart throbbed fast from feeling restless. That little girl held her breath. Trish hesitated, but she had to know it. "Why-why did you keep me alive?"

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