Part 11. The Floor is Parent Teacher Meeting

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It was a new semester on a new month. Unfortunately, this spelt for a new problem. Diavolo just joined the PTA meeting last semester, but Trish pulled another trouble for him. They decided to call her parent for a private meeting. The expulsion threat did not work, but Bucellatti managed to provoke him. Solido Naso, aka Diavolo, finally came for a private parent-teacher meeting.

This was hell. Diavolo hoped he could skip time.

There he was, sitting across the stern teacher instead of running a business. The atmosphere was as bad as being trapped inside a mirror. Diavolo's bodyguard and school security, Leone Abbacchio, guarded the meeting outside the room. Besides Bruno Buccellati was a nervous teacher, standing with a pale face. Ms. Helen Manson bit her nail, wishing to be invisible in that cold room. She was a sacrifice to make sure no fight was inflicted between both parties. That woman cursed herself to accept the job for a special bonus on the weekend.

Diavolo and Bruno glared at each other, ignoring the anxious teacher. Bruno broke the ice by speaking first. "Mr. Naso... Trish has gotten worse."

Diavolo snared. "What does she do this time?"

"She insulted not only her friend but her teachers and staff as well."

Trish had received a warning from the school before. She mocked her friends for not wearing brands item. While this being frowned upon by her peers and teachers, Diavolo took pride in it. After all, being ruthless was a trademark of the mafia.

"I see no problem with that. This is a prestigious school, surely your salary can afford better clothes."

"My salary per month is not important. Mr. Naso your child makes a lot of enemies. Did you teach her that way?"

Diavolo stood up and smashed his hand against the table. "I don't like your insinuation."


Ms. Helen screamed before a fight erupting. Her distraction was successful since Diavolo sat back on his chair. Abbacchio and Diavolo's bodyguard rushed to the room. They halted after learning the false alarm and returned to their post. Leone glared at the Don before leaving the place. He made the gesture 'I'm watching you' with his fingers.

The homeroom teacher inhaled a long breath. Everything that had been spoken would be thrown out of the window. He had to be patient with his opponent. Bruno had to make Diavolo thinking about his advice. "I know your background, and I will not peek into it. You maybe are fine living that way, but Trish is different. She needs support as much as she can. I'm afraid something happens to you, Trish will be left alone."

Diavolo frowned at his words. He had a high-risk job where he could lose his life at any time. Diavolo hated the fact that Bruno was right. Trish was only a child. She did not have the necessary skill to survive life.

"Her grade is not good either."


Diavolo cursed when Bruno gave him a report book. There were A LOT of red marks. Doppio definitely spoiled her too much. That girl barely put effort into her homework or study. Trish was a smart kid, but she was lazy. Perhaps taking his eyes from her for a while was a bad choice.

"She never collects her assignment, and most of her score is below average. I'm afraid she is going to be held. However, we still have a lot of time before the final. We can do some private lesson to lift her mark."

Diavolo touched his head. "Do whatever you want."

The meeting ended with a mutual agreement. Trish would take an after class lesson on Thursday and Tuesday for an hour. The rest of her study would continue outside the school. Trish was not happy with the decision, but she had no choice. She was on verge of being junior instead of senior.

When they returned home, Diavolo threw the report card on the table. "Is this score a fucking joke?"

Trish rolled her eyes. "I bet you don't even go to school."

"You're right because I was busy surviving." He replied with sass. "Perhaps I am too lenient. I should have been strict from the beginning, even when I know you cannot be my heir."

"Is it because I am a girl?"

"Can you carry an eighty-kilogram dead body from trunk to a boat, mutilated it with meat mincer, then threw it to the ocean?"

Trish swallowed her saliva. Her father definitely spoke from experience. "No..."

"Then forget about join the mafia. It was a cruel world out there, Trish. Do you know how many men lost their lives out there?" He lit up a cigarette and sat across her. "Study hard, go graduate and find a decent job. Don't end up dying miserably in the gutter. Live a meaningful good long life. Don't be like me."

She could not argue with his statement and was stunned. He did care for her despite showing his concern crudely. For once, Trish listened to him. She could not rely on her father forever. He probably would not be there next to her side. One day, she must leave the nest and fly with her own wing.

"Fine. I'll begin study harder..."

He was perplexed. "What's up with your sudden change of attitude?"

"I-I didn't do this for you! I just think it will be great for my future."

Diavolo smiled. "I heard you have homework. Let's start with that and moved to other lessons. After that, I will teach you the importance of making a connection."

He continued teaching her for several hours. Trish proved herself as a fast learner. She had no problem following the materials and finished some of her assignments. Diavolo allowed her to take a break when she managed to get a good score on the mock test. She sat next to her father while watching TV together and ate a bucket of ice cream. The newswoman talked about the upcoming storm approaching the area.

Author's note:  We're staying at home next chapter.

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