Chapter 4

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Peyton’s P.O.V

I laid there, awake, not able to fall asleep. I could hear Niall breathing, he was so close, holding me tight against him. I promised myself I wouldn’t let myself show how insecure I really am. I still haven’t gotten used to people seeing the real me. I guess that’s probably because I’m scared that if people see the real me, they’d reject me. I know not everyone will like me, but from my experience, you never know when people could leave. Because let’s be honest, people always leave, as Peyton Sawyer says in One Tree Hill.

If anyone knew how much I kept inside and hid from them, I may not have any friends. And yeah, that could be selfish, but I’m scared of letting them in, and having them walk out because my problems are either too heavy for them, or I’m making such a small thing into an over-dramatic, attention-seeking scene. I’ve lost people because of it, and though we just recently met, I couldn’t loose Niall. 

I didn’t move, I just stared into the room’s darkness, feeling Niall’s chest rise up and down in his sleep. I let a tear roll down my cheek, and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning, I woke up alone. Niall was not in the bed, and I was sprawled in the middle. I sat up, and I could see my reflection in the mirror in front of me. Puffy eyes, stuffy nose, purple cheek, and black eye was noticeable even from a distance. I regretted standing up; all I wanted was to hide in the sheets and stay there. 

I stood up and walked in the direction of the door. All I could hear was Niall humming in the kitchen. And there he was, at the stove frying some bacon. I tiptoed closer to the beautiful sound. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed he was shirtless. I stared at his stomach, eyeing his toned abs. 

“What are you staring at, beautiful?” I’d been caught. 

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting...” I said, blushing. “Nevermind. What are you making?”

He smiled, chuckling at my awkwardness. “Bacon and eggs, with my famous chocolate chip pancakes.”

“Mm. Better make that bacon extra crispy! I like mine burnt!” I smirked. It’s weird, waking up like this; happy and playful. Especially after last night, when we fell asleep a bit tense. 

“Noted.” He said walking over to me. He frowned at the sight of my face. I could see it pained him, knowing that if he had gotten to us earlier last night, this could have been prevented. I swallowed hard as he stroked the left side of my face gently. I stood there as he continued examining my face. I licked my lips and slid from his hold.

“Do you need help with breakfast?” I asked trying to make the situation a little less awkward. 

Niall stayed there, back facing me, shaking his head. He turned around and gave me a shy smile. I bit my lip as his piercing blue eyes met mine, holding me in a stare for what felt like five minutes. ‘No, I only have the crispy bacon left to cook.”

“Well then let me at least set the table.” I said, pulling two plates out of the cupboard and setting them on the kitchen table. I turned to walk back and Niall was so close, I nearly bumped into him. He caught me and placed the plate with bacon on the table. He pulled the chair out for me to sit.


I walked up the steps to Lilly’s house. I turned back to look at Niall, who was watching me the whole way. I smiled and waved at him before opening the front door.I walked inside. The house was quiet, the girls stopped mid-conversation to see who had just walked into the house. 

“Hey guys.” I said, slipping my shoes off and headed towards them.

“Oh my goodness, what happened?!” Lilly asked before I even sat down.

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