s l e e p i n g b e a u t y

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Aiden took out his phone to check how much time they had left together. They still had two hours. He breathed out in relief, and took a look at Sofie.

After listening to another few songs, they chatted a little about random stuff. She told him about how much she wanted to live in New York someday, while he shared how he is aspiring to be a professional photographer. Though, he had to admit, the idea of Sofie living in the City made his stomach feel weird sensations.

They had stopped talking a few minutes ago, but the silence that followed by was as comfortable as if they had never stopped. Now, Sofie had laid her head back on the seat, her eyes closed; long dark lashes caressing her cheek bones.

Such a sleeping beauty, he thought.

A smile gained its way on his lips, and the urgency of touching her hair was becoming more and more unbearable by the second. He moved an inch closer, and her body moved, too. She sleepily set her head down, until it was softly placed on his shoulder. She exhaled pleasantly, finally comfortable.

Aiden held his breath. She was touching him and his body reacted in too many ways he didn't even know it could. First, the smell of her hair hit him; sweet coconut scent that felt like freedom. Then it was her breathing, slow and musical, the most melifluos sound he has heard after her laugh. Finally, the back of her hand resting on his thigh. Aiden needed all his will to control himself; despite of how innocent that touch was, he was still a man. And she was so delightful in every sense of the word, it drove him insane.

But he'd happily go to an asylum if it meant he could spend more time with her. These last few hours had been the best hours of his life; from the moment he saw her on that book store, until the moment she fell asleep by his side.

Still, time was almost up. And just thinking about that awful fact made his heart cringe a little in pain. Because, this has been the first time he has ever felt... infinite. And he knew that that sounded pretty stupid since he just met Sofie; but something told him that all the stories about meeting the one and knowing they were the one, are true. Because he is now looking at her and he would rather look at her than at all the photos he could take through out his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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