Part 5

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2 mouths had past but Sherlock never thought this would be his life. John held two bags in his hands and the men from the moving van came in and out of the flat collecting John's stuff. "Please don't go." Sherlock was on the brink of breaking and the pain in his chest was unbearable. "It's best for the both of us. You need someone to look after you Sherlock and I'm just not that guy and I don't understand why it had to be this way. We could of been so happy but you wouldn't let us." John let a tear slip down his face as he kissed Sherlock for the last time. Salty tears mixing with each others and hearts being torn from one to two once again. "Goodbye...Mr Holmes."

2 weeks later

Sherlock stood on the edge of the building his body trembling and he let tears fall as Moriarty stood behind him, his powerful mind and his proud stance made Sherlock sick. We all knows what happens now. He jumps or John dies. Its as easy as that but is it? Some would say that 'love' is not worth dying over those people have obviously never been in love. John. Sweet, kind, beautiful Dr John Watson. Saving life after life and fighting in a ridiculous war. For Sherlock there was no choice here. He would die and let his body hit the ground with all gravitates force. He closed his eyes and smiles as John's beautiful face laughing about Sherlock drinking eye ball tea, taking a deep breath and preparing for what it would feel like to lose every memory as his blood spilt over the dull pavement. 

"Hello boys. Now we are playing dangerous games." Moriarty turns and Sherlock looks over his shoulder, the voice ripping them both from their own thoughts. Non other than Maggie Tyler stood before them. "Oh looked shocked to see me. You really think I would let you kill him?" She laughs but her face never wavers from its stone cold expression. She walks closer but Jim raises his gun but she just keeps walking and before she can take another step a bullet rattles from his gun and saws through the air towards her. She took the hit. Judging by her eyes widening she was shocked by the force but she was clever and didn't come unprepared. Bulletproof vest. Of course but before Sherlock could even get down off the roof top, a bullet speed through the air once more causing him to flinch only to turn in time to see it hitting Jim and making blood and brain spill out onto the concert.

Maggie looked at Sherlock and she almost looked sad. "You still have to jump. I can't save him. You have to jump and make them believe your gone." Sherlock scrambled for his phone but before he dialled John he spoke looking deep into Maggie's eyes. "And the secret?" Maggie's eyes gleamed and she smiled sadly. "Come with me and that secret may not be as horrible as you may think." Sherlock looked confused but he knew there was no time for confusion and he rang John.

"Hello?" Sherlock looked down to see John the other side of the street. "Hello John. It's me. Its Sherlock. I'm very sorry to be calling but I needed...I needed to say goodbye." John was silent as he listened to Sherlock's shaking voice. "Look up John." John dose as he asks and he crys out Sherlock's name and starts to beg for him not to jump but Sherlock continues to speak. "I'm sorry John. I'm sorry that it has to end like this but I'm leaving a note thats what people do right? I love you John and don't ever forget that. I may not be on this earth much longer but I promise my love for you will always survive. I have to go now John. I'll miss you very much Mr John Watson. Goodbye." 

Throwing the phone and Maggie catches it. "Time to go." Sherlock's hand reaches down wishing he could just touch John one more time and John cries out to him, Sherlock's name tearing out of his throat that would surely hurt his throat, with tears running down his face. "I don't want to leave him." Sherlock's voice horse, filled with pain as If he was having his heart burnt out. Maggie goes close to him and even her eyes look red from tears as she slyly peers over the edge at John. "You have to jump. I can't save him Sherlock. I'm sorry." And with that Sherlock took a deep breath and did the only good thing he could do for John. Save that beautiful man stood on the side walk. The man he had fallen in love and showed him that there are better things in life then mystery and murder. The least Sherlock could do this thing for John was to give John his life back. With his eye's set on John he let himself Jump. Air rushing out of his lungs as he dies inside. 

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