Part 8

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It's amazing that losing one person in your life can make the world around you seem pointless. It's strange to think that one more second without the person you love could end in your own demise. Sometimes our darkest secrets are not what can destroy us but what can make us. Sherlock knew he would die...we all know we are going to die but that's okay because at some point in your life you will meet someone that can make it worth the pain. Losing someone is never easy but we all have to remember that we are all stories carried on by the people we leave behind. Although Sherlock feared leaving John he knew that he would not leave him without one hell of a story to tell the gran kids.

Waking up to light streaming through the window in the arms of the man you have loved for what seems like forever is beautiful. Pure bliss. It is also painful to remember that this person has caused you great pain but in a weird way you know you already forgive them. In fact you would forgive them for every mistake they have and will make if it meant you could wake up in there arms every day. John would always have a part of him that hated Sherlock for this trauma but he loved him and that was all that mattered.

Sherlock blinked a few times before he realised John was in his arms. His mind was scared but his heart knew just what to do and for the first time in forever Sherlock let his brilliant mind fall away and let his beautiful heart lead the way. Before any other thought could come to pass Sherlock spoke. John lay half asleep looking into those crystal eyes waiting for that silky voice to whisper good morning but good morning never came. Instead John was greeted with something...unexpected. 

"Marry me?" John shot up in bed and looked at Sherlock as if he was crazy but Sherlock just kept smiling at him. "Are you crazy?!" Sherlock laughed a little. "Maybe a little but I love you and I want forever with you. So...Marry me? Show this whole shit hole of a world that true love can be found anywhere." John felt tears start to gather in his eyes and although he knew that the road ahead was unmade he wanted to enjoy the bumpy arse ride. "You are crazy." Sherlock smiled again and the words that fell from his lips hummed in John's mind singing an old familiar scene and he couldn't help but let a large smile grow across his face. "Wanna see some more?" 

"Oh God yes." 

In the years that will come to pass a lot will change, they will fight, solve crimes, cry, sing, laugh and grow old but they will do it together and that is what truly matters. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson. Two men born to do great thing and also broken by the world we live in. Both looking for somewhere to call home found a little flat in London witch they would destroy with science but inside that little flat they did find home. Not in the four walls or the roof or even of the pictures that hung on the walls but in each other. The brilliant man who could solve any crime and the fantastic solder that saved lives. A story that will be told for many years and though we all see it differently we can't deny that they loved each other. 

I really hope every one enjoys this story. It's been fun writing it. It needs a lot of editing and if anyone would like a spin off for Maggie please let me know! Much love and please leave a comment, vote or check out my other story! Any HeadCannons are welcome! 

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